- 2007-12-05
A clarification has been added to ../Assignments/HW10.
- 2007-12-04
../Assignments/HW09/Solutions are now available.
- 2007-12-03
The ../Assignments/HW10 deadline of Friday at 17:00 is a hard deadline. Assignments submitted after this time without a Dean's Excuse will not be graded.
- 2007-12-01
../Assignments/HW10 is now available. See the ../Assignments page for the due date.
- 2007-11-27
../Assignments/HW08/Solutions are now available.
- 2007-11-27
- Ronny: Office Hours for tomorrow are from 2:30pm until 4:30pm.
- 2007-11-18
../Assignments/HW09 is now available.
- 2007-11-13
../Assignments/HW07/Solutions are now available.
- 2007-11-09
I made a foolish mistake in class today by trying to cover both non-strict and strict partial orders with a single definition. Notwithstanding anything that I said, you should think of a partial order (e.g. subset-of, ≤, divides, prefix-of) as as relation that is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive, and a strict partial order (e.g. proper-subset-of, <) as a relation that is irreflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive. Trying to mix these two concepts together just leads to pain, since we generally don't care how elements of a poset relate to themselves, and it's easier to just pick reflexivity or irreflexivity. I apologize for not being more careful about this. —Jim.
- 2007-11-07
../Assignments/HW06/Solutions are now available.
- 2007-11-01
../Assignments/HW08 is now available.
- 2007-11-01
../Assignments/HW07 is now available.
- 2007-10-24
Midterm grades are in Grade-o-Matic. Graded midterms will be returned on Friday. Solutions are available: see ../Assignments/MidtermExam.
- 2007-10-22
../Assignments/HW06 is now available.
- 2007-10-22
../Assignments/HW05/Solutions are now available.
- 2007-10-21
- Ronny's office hours for this week are on Tuesday 1-6.
- 2007-10-19
../Assignments/HW04/Solutions are now available. Graded assignments are available outside AKW 401.
- 2007-10-11
../Assignments/HW05 is now available.
- 2007-10-09
../Assignments/HW03/Solutions are now available.
- 2007-10-08
There was an error in the identity in Problem 3 from ../Assignments/HW04; see the assignment for the correction.
- 2007-10-04
../Assignments/HW04 is now available.
- 2007-10-02
../Assignments/HW02 has been graded and grades are available in Grade-o-Matic. Graded assignments will be returned Wednesday. ../Assignments/HW02/Solutions are available.
- 2007-09-28
- Ronny: my office hours schedule has been updated. Jim informed me that some students complained about not receiving replies to their emails. However, I responded to every email I received. If any student has a problem emailing me, s/he should come and talk to me in person or email me again. My email address is listed in the staff section at the bottom of this page. Ronny.
- 2007-09-27
../Assignments/HW03 is now available.
- 2007-09-23
../Assignments/HW01 has been graded and grades are available in Grade-o-Matic. Graded assignments will be returned Monday. ../Assignments/HW01/Solutions are available.
- 2007-09-20
../Assignments/HW02 is now available.
- 2007-09-05
../Assignments/HW01 is now available.