1. Diagonal matrices
A matrix A is a diagonal matrix if it is a square matrix with Aij=0 whenever i≠j.
- Prove or disprove: If A and B are diagonal matrices of the same size, so is AB.
Let p(A)=Πi Aii. Prove or disprove: If A and B are diagonal matrices as above, then p(AB) = p(A)p(B).
2. Matrix square roots
- Show that there exists a matrix A such that A≠0 but A²=0.
- Show that if A²=0, there exists a matrix B such that B²=I+A. Hint: What is (I+A)²?
3. Dimension reduction
Let A be an n×m random matrix obtained by setting each entry Aij independently to ±1 with equal probability.
Let x be an arbitrary vector of dimension m.
Compute E[||Ax||²], as a function of ||x||, n, and m, where ||x|| = (x⋅x)1/2 is the usual Euclidean length.
4. Non-invertible matrices
Let A be a square matrix.
Prove that if Ax=0 for some column vector x≠0, then A-1 does not exist.
Prove that if the columns of A are not linearly independent, then A-1 does not exist.
Prove that if the rows of A are not linearly independent, then A-1 does not exit.