1. Classify some algebras
Consider the set of functions from ℤm→ℤm, where m>1, with composition as a binary operation. For each subset below, classify it as a magma, semigroup, monoid, group, or abelian group (whichever is the strongest). If the classification depends on the value of m, state for which values of m the set has each type.
The set of functions fa(x) = ax for all a in ℤm.
The set of functions fa(x) = ax for all a in ℤ*m (that is, all a with gcd(a,m) = 1).
The set of functions fab(x) = ax+b for all a and b in ℤm.
The set of functions fab(x) = ax+b for all a in ℤ*m and all b in ℤm.
2. Group embeddings
An embedding of a group G into another group H is an injection f:G→H that is also a homomorphism; equivalently, it's an isomorphism between G and some subgroup of H.
Let (ℚ/ℤ,+) be the additive group of rationals mod 1; this is obtained by treating any two rational numbers as equivalent if their difference is an integer. Observe that we can represent each element of ℚ/ℤ as a rational in the range 0≤x<1, by rewriting p/q as (p mod q)/q.
Prove or disprove: For any m, there is an embedding of ℤm into ℚ/ℤ.
Prove or disprove: Let G be any finite group. Then there is an embedding from G into ℚ/ℤ if and only if G is cyclic, i.e. there is a fixed element g of G such that every element of G equals gn for some n∈ℕ. Hint: Given an embedding f:G→ℚ/ℤ, consider the smallest nonzero element of f(G).
3. Some very big graphs
For each n in ℕ-{0}, define G[n] as the graph with vertex set ℕ and with an edge between x and x+n for each x. Similarly define G[n,m] as having an edge between x and both x+n and x+m for each x, where n,m∈ℕ-{0} and n≠m.
- For which values of n is G[n] connected?
- For which values of n is G[n] acyclic?
- For which values of n and m is G[n,m] connected?
- For which values of n and m is G[n,m] acyclic?
Clarification added 2007-12-05: G[n] and G[n,m] are undirected graphs.
4. Vertex covers
A vertex cover of a graph G = (V,E) is a set of vertices S⊆V such that every edge in E has at least one endpoint in S. The vertex covering number ωV(G) of a graph G is the minimum size of any vertex cover. In general, the vertex covering number is very difficult to compute, but it is not as hard for some very well-behaved graphs.
Find the vertex covering number for each of the following graphs:
The complete graph Kn.
The complete bipartite graph Knm.
The path on with n edges Pn.
The n-dimension cube Qn.