1. A mean statistics problem
You are asked to find the typical temperature for a particular time of year centered around day 0. Suppose you have collected daily high temperatures x-n...xn for 2n+1 days in a row (with x0, the day 0 temperature, in the middle), but you are only allowed to report one "typical" temperature y. You will be punished for deviation from the typical temperature according to the formula p = ∑i (xi-y)². Given an explicit formula for the value of y that minimizes p.
Now suppose you are allowed to include a predicted daily increment z, so that the guess for day i is now y+iz. Give an explicit formula for the values of y and z that between them minimize p = ∑i (xi - (y+iz))².
1.1. Solution
We'll recast this as an orthogonal projection problem. Treat the xi as a vector x over a (2n+1)-dimensional space. We want to find the point in the 1-dimensional subspace where all coordinates are equal that is closest to x, i.e. to find the multiple of b = (1, 1, ..., 1) that is the orthogonal projection of x. From the orthogonal projection formula we get y = b(x⋅b)/(b⋅b) = b ∑xi/(2n+1). Or in terms of a single typical temperature y, we have y = ∑xi/(2n+1), the average temperature.
Again we will do orthogonal projection, but now we are projecting onto a 2-dimensional subspace of all vectors of the form vi = y1 + zi. A basis for this space is given by b1 = (1, 1, 1, ..., 1) and b2 = (-n, ..., n). These happen to be orthogonal since b1⋅b2 = ∑[i=-n to n] i = 0. So we can project by taking y = x⋅b1/b1⋅b1 = ∑xi/(2n+1) as before and z = x⋅b2/b2⋅b2 = ∑ ixi / ∑ i². (The denominator for z can be converted to closed form if one really wants to.)
Also works: Take partial derivatives wrt y and z and set the result to zero; this gives the same answer if one is careful enough.
2. Equivalence relations and functions
Let f:A→B be some function.
Show that the relation ~f, given by the rule x~fy if and only if f(x) = f(y), is an equivalence relation.
- Show the converse: if ~ is an equivalence relation on A, there exists a set B and a function f:A→B such that x~y if and only if f(x) = f(y).
2.1. Solution
Recall that ~ is an equivalence relation if it is (a) reflexive (x~x), (b) symmetric (x~y ⇒ y~x) and (c) transitive (x~y ∧ y~z ⇒ x~z).
For the relation ~f, we have (a) f(x) = f(x), so x~fx; (b) x~fy ⇒ f(x)=f(y) ⇒ f(y)=f(x) ⇒ y~fx; and (c) x~fy ∧ y~fz ⇒ f(x) = f(y) ∧ f(y) = f(z) ⇒ f(x) = f(z) ⇒ x~fz. So ~f is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.
- Given an equivalence relation ~ on A, let B = A/~ be the set of equivalence classes of ~, and let f:A→B be given by f(x) = [x] = {y|x~y}. Then f(x)=f(y) if and only if x and y are in the same equivalence class, i.e., if x~y.
3. Partial orders
Let A = ℕk be the set of all sequences of natural numbers of length k. Given two elements x and y of A, let x≤y if and only if xi≤yi for all i.
Prove (by showing reflexivity, antisymmetry, and trasitivity) that ≤ as defined above is a partial order on ℕk.
- Give examples of choices of k for which ≤ is/is not a total order.
Prove that (ℕk, ≤) contains no infinite descending chain, i.e. there is no infinite sequence a0, a1, a2, ..., where ai+1 < ai for all i.
Now consider the set ℕℕ of all infinite sequences of natural numbers, where x ≤ y is defined to mean xi ≤ yi for all i∈ℕ. Prove or disprove: (ℕℕ, ≤) contains no infinite descending chain.
3.1. Solution
Reflexivity: if x = y, then xi = yi ⇒ xi ≤ yi for all i, giving x ≤ y. Antisymmetry: if x ≤ y and y ≤ x, then for each i we also have xi ≤ yi and yi ≤ xi; it follows that xi=yi for all i and thus x = y. Transitivity: If x ≤ y and y ≤ z, then for each i, xi ≤ yi and yi ≤ zi, giving x ≤ z.
Let k = 0, then N0 has exactly one element (the empty sequence), which is ≤ itself. It follows that any two elements of N0 are comparable and that (N0, ≤) is a totally ordered set. (The case k=1 also works, and is slightly more interesting). For a non-totally-ordered set, take k=2; then (0,1) and (1,0) (for example) are incomparable.
Suppose we have an infinite descending chain a0 > a1 > ... . Write ai[0]...ai[k-1] for the k elements of ai; then we have ai+1[j] ≤ ai[j] for all i, j, and ai+1[j] < ai[j] for at least one j. It follows that ∑j ai+1[j] < ∑j ai[j] ≤ ∑j ai[j] - 1. An easy induction on i gives ∑j ai[j] ≤ ∑j a0[j] - i. But then for i > ∑j a0[j], we have ∑j ai[j] < 0, an impossibility. It follows that there is no infinite descending chain.
Disproof by counterexample: Let ai[j] = 1 if i > j and 0 otherwise. Then ai+1[j] = ai[j] = 0 if j < i, ai+1[i] = 0 < ai[i] = 1, and ai+1[j] = ai[j] = 1 if j ≥ i+1. It follows that ai+1 < ai for all i, and the ai form an infinite descending chain.
4. Lattices
- Prove or disprove: In any lattice, x∨(y∧z) = (x∨y)∧(x∨z).
- Prove or disprove: In any lattice, x≥y ⇒ x∧(y∨z) = (x∧z)∨y.
4.1. Solution
These properties are known as the distributive law and the modular law, respectively. Both are false in general (although both hold in a lot of common lattices). The simplest counterexample to the modular law is the pentagon lattice N5, whose Hasse diagram looks like this:
1 / \ / \ p \ | r q / \ / \ / 0
Here p≥q, but p∧(q∨r) = p∧1 = p while (p∧r)∨q = 0∨q = q ≠ p.
The distributive law also fails in N5: r∨(p∧q) = r∨p = 1, but (r∧p)∨(r∧q) = 0∨0 = 0 ≠ 1.