TA: Jae Oh Woo, in AKW 202. Usually can be found on Tues and Weds at
- 9/6/07 - Lecture 1 : Introduction
Recommended reading:
I did not cover any course material in this lecture.
Rather, I gave an overview of the material that we will cover during
the course.
A list of the topics appears in the description above.
It has high overlap with the material I covered last year.
Here are the files that you need to run the demos I presented:
- 9/11/07 - Lecture 2 : Empirical Analyses of Graphs
Here are my notes for this lecture and my powerpoint slides.
Recommended reading:
- 9/13/07 - Lecture 3 : Random walks and diffusion on graphs
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf
, and in postscript.
- 9/18/07 - Lecture 4 : Random walks and spectral graph drawing
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf ,
and in postscript.
Here are files you need if you want to try the matlab examples: gplot3.m, yaleShieldBig.mat, rome.mat, erdosGraph.mat,
And, here is a paper on spectral graph drawing:
Graphs by Eigenvectors: Theory and Practice, by Yehuda Koren.
- 9/20/07 - Lecture 5 : PageRank
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf ,
and in postscript.
The readings for lecture 2 are the two fundamental papers on
web search.
- 9/20/07
Problem set 1 (pdf) out, due October 4.
is the postscript version.
- 9/25/07 - Lecture 6 : Spectral Graph Partitioning I
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf ,
and in postscript.
What I covered differs a little from these notes.
I'll try to make up the difference in the next set of lecture notes.
Recommended reading is
- 9/27/07 - Lecture 7 : Spectral Graph Partitioning II
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf ,
and in postscript.
- 10/2/07, Lecture 8: Resistor Networks, Random Walks, and the
Recommended readings for this lecture are
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf ,
and in postscript.
- 10/4/07, Lecture 9: Resistance Distance
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf ,
and in postscript.
Recommended readings for this lecture are
- 10/5/07
Problem set 2 (pdf) out, due October
Here is the postscript version.
- 10/9/07, Lecture 10: Effective Resistance and Random Walks
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf
, and in postscript.
Recommended readings for this lecture are
Other related readings are
- 10/11/07, Lecture 11: Random Graphs : Markov's Inequality
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf
, and in postscript.
- 10/13/07, solving linear systems in python
I wrote some python code to demonstrate how one would create laplacians
from graphs, and then solve the resulting linear systems.
I use the SciPy package to do this.
It can take some work to get SciPy installed.
So, if you want to use it, start trying to install it soon.
- 10/16/07, Lecture 12: Random Graphs : Chebyshev's Inequality
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
- 10/19/07
Problem set 3 (pdf) out, due November 1.
is the postscript version.
- 10/18/07, Lecture 13: Random Graphs : Chernoff bounds and
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
- 10/23/07, Lecture 14: Percolation on trees
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
- 10/25/07, Lecture 15: The Giant Component
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
- 10/30/07, Lecture 16: Percolation in the grid.
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
- 11/01/07, Lecture 17: Small-world graphs.
For this lecture, I recommend reading Kleinberg's paper:
small-world phenomenon: An algorithmic perspective
- 11/06/07, Lecture 18: Gossip in graphs.
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
This lecture was based on the paper:
Randomized Gossip Algorithms, by S. Boyd, A. Ghosh, B. Prabhakar,
D. Shah. Appeared in IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, June
2006, 52(6):2508-2530.
- 11/08/07
Problem set 4 (pdf) out, due November 27.
is the postscript version.
- 11/08/07, Lecture 19: Flocking.
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
Related reading:
- 11/13/07, Lecture 20: K-Nearest Neighbor Graphs.
Related reading:
- 11/15/07, Lecture 21: K-Nearest Neighbor Graphs and Patitioning
Geometric Graphs
Related reading:
- 11/27/07, Lecture 22: Counter-intuitive phenomena in networks.
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
Recommended reading:
- Chapter 1 (available on-line) of
Selfish Routing and the Price of Anarchy by Tim Roughgarden.
What if They Closed 42d Street and Nobody Noticed?, by Gina Kolata,
December 25, 1990, New York Times.
- The
Braess paradox in mechanical, traffic, and other networks , by C.
M. Penchina and L. J. Penchina, American Journal of Physics -- May 2003
-- Volume 71, Issue 5, pp. 479-482.
- Paradoxical
behaviour of mechanical and electrical networks
by J. E. Cohen and P. Horowitz, Nature (London) 352,
699-701 (1991).
Related reading:
- 11/29/07, Lecture 23: The price of anarchy.
Here are my notes for this lecture in pdf.
This lecture partially follows the lecture notes of Eva Tardos
from her classes on 9/14/05
and 9/16/05.
- 11/29/07
Problem set 5 (pdf) out, due December 13.
is the postscript version.
- 12/04/07, Lecture 24: Clustering heuristics
- 12/06/07, Lecture 25: Last lecture.
Related reading:
- A popular article on problems with sampling networks: Wanted: An Accurate
Map of the Internet, by Sara Robinson.
- Sampling
biases in IP topology measurements ,
by A Lakhina, JW Byers, M Crovella, P Xie. INFOCOM 2003.
Accuracy and Scaling Phenomena in Internet Mapping,
by A. Clauset and C. Moore. Physical Review Letters, 2005.
On the bias of traceroute sampling: or, power-law degree distributions
in regular graps,
by D Achlioptas, A Clauset, D Kempe, C Moore. ACM STOC 2005.
- Respondent
Driven Sampling
Chip-firing games on graphs, by A Bjorner, L Lovasz, PW Shor.
European Journal of Combinatorics, 1991.
- Chip-firing games on mutating graphs, by K Eriksson - SIAM J.
Discrete Math, 1996.
- Course Feedback (pdf).