Short Bio
Research Interests
Academic Service
Selected Publications
- Let the Market Drive Deployment: a Strategy for
Transitioning to BGP Security
P. Gill, M. Schapira and S. Goldberg. SIGCOMM 11. (See project page)
- Distributed Computing With Adaptive Heuristics (slides)
A. D. Jaggard, M. Schapira
and R. N. Wright. ICS 11. (See short exposition here)
- Best-Response Mechanisms (slides)
N. Nisan, M. Schapira, G. Valiant and A.
Zohar. ICS 11. (See short expositions here and
- How Secure are Secure Interdomain
Routing Protocols? (slides)
S. Goldberg, M. Schapira, P. Hummon and J. Rexford. SIGCOMM 10. (See videos here and here)
- On the Hardness of Being Truthful (slides)
C. Papadimitriou, M. Schapira and Y. Singer. FOCS 08.
- Interdomain Routing and Games (slides)
Hagay Levin, Michael Schapira
and Aviv Zohar. STOC 08. SICOMP, 2011.
- Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Auctions with Complement Free Bidders (slides)
S. Dobzinski,
N. Nisan and M. Schapira. STOC
05. MOR, 2010.
All Publications
Book Chapter
Distributed Algorithmic Mechanism Design
Joan Feigenbaum, Michael Schapira
and Scott Shenker. Chapter in Algorithmic Game Theory, Cambridge
University Press, 2007.
Conference and Journal Papers
- Rehoming
Edge Links for Better Traffic Engineering
Eric Keller, Michael Schapira and Jennifer
Rexford. Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2012.
- Modeling on
Quicksand: Dealing with the Scarcity of Ground Truth in Interdomain Routing Data
Phillipa Gill, Michael Schapira
and Sharon Goldberg. Computer Communication Review (CCR), 2012.
- Data-Driven Network
Junda Liu, Baohua Yang,
Michael Schapira and Scott Shenker.
HotNets X (2011).
- Let the Market Drive Deployment: a Strategy for
Transitioning to BGP Security
Phillipa Gill, Michael Schapira
and Sharon Goldberg. SIGCOMM 11.
- Presented at NANOG
52 (2011). See slides.
- See project page for an extended
abstract and a results browser (an interactive
interface for exploring BGP security deployment dynamics in our
simulation results).
- Weakly-Acyclic
(Internet) Routing Games
Roee Engelberg and Michael Schapira.
SAGT 11.
- On Communication
Protocols that Compute (Almost) Privately
Marco Comi, Bhaskar Dasgupta, Michael Schapira
and Venkatakumar Srinivasan.
SAGT 11.
- Best-Response Auctions
Noam Nisan, Michael Schapira, Gregory Valiant
and Aviv Zohar. EC 11.
- Distributed Computing With Adaptive Heuristics (slides)
Aaron D. Jaggard, Michael Schapira
and Rebecca N. Wright. ICS 11.
- Best-Response
Mechanisms (slides)
Noam Nisan, Michael Schapira, Gregory Valiant
and Aviv Zohar. ICS 11.
- Putting BGP on the Right Path: Better Performance
via Next-Hop Routing (slides)
Michael Schapira, Yaping
Zhu and Jennifer Rexford. HotNets IX (2010).
- How Secure are Secure Interdomain
Routing Protocols? (slides)
Sharon Goldberg, Michael Schapira, Pete Hummon and Jennifer Rexford. SIGCOMM 10.
- Incentive Compatibility and Dynamics of Congestion
Control (slides)
P. Brighten Godfrey, Michael Schapira, Aviv
Zohar and Scott Shenker. SIGMETRICS 10.
- On the Structure of Weakly-Acyclic Games (slides)
Alex Fabraikant, Aaron D. Jaggard
and Michael Schapira. SAGT 10.
- Approximate Privacy: Foundations and
Quantification (slides)
Joan Feigenbaum, Aaron Jaggard and Michael Schapira.
EC 10.
- Computation and Incentives in Combinatorial Public
Projects (slides)
Dave Buchfuhrer, Michael Schapira and Yaron Singer.
EC 10.
- VC
v. VCG: Inapproximability of Combinatorial
Auctions via Generalizations of the VC Dimension (slides)
Elchanan Mossel,
Christos Papadimitriou, Michael Schapira and Yaron Singer.
- Neighbor-Specific BGP: More Flexible Routing Policies While
Improving Global Stability (slides)
Yi Wang, Michael Schapira and Jennifer
Rexford. SIGMETRICS 09.
- Searching for Stability in Interdomain
Routing (slides)
Rahul Sami, Michael Schapira and Aviv Zohar. INFOCOM
- On the Hardness of Being Truthful (slides)
Christos Papadimitriou, Michael Schapira and Yaron Singer. FOCS 08.
- Informational Overhead of Incentive Compatibility
Moshe Babaioff, Liad
Blumrosen, Moni Naor and Michael Schapira.
EC 08.
Games and Economic Behavior (GEB), 2012 (under minor revision).
- Tight Information-Theoretic Lower Bounds For Welfare Maximization in Combinatorial Auctions
Vahab Mirrokni,
Michael Schapira and Jan Vondrak.
EC 08.
- Mechanism Design Over Discrete Domains
Ahuva Mu'alem and
Michael Schapira. EC 08.
- Interdomain Routing and Games (slides)
Hagay Levin, Michael Schapira
and Aviv Zohar. STOC 08. SIAM Journal on Computing
(SICOMP) Special Issue on Selected Papers from STOC 08 (invited), 2011.
- Asynchronous Best-Reply Dynamics
Noam Nisan, Michael Schapira and Aviv Zohar. WINE
- Inapproximability of Combinatorial Public Projects (slides)
Michael Schapira and Yaron
Singer. WINE 08.
- Bayesian Combinatorial Auctions (slides)
George Christodoulou, Annamaria Kovacs and
Michael Schapira. ICALP 08.
- Setting Lower Bounds on Truthfulness
Ahuva Mu'alem and
Michael Schapira. SODA
- Incentive-Compatible Interdomain
Routing (slides)
Joan Feigenbaum, Vijay Ramachandran
and Michael Schapira. EC 06.
Distributed Computing, 2011.
- Truthful Randomized Mechanisms for Combinatorial
Auctions (slides)
Shahar Dobzinski,
Noam Nisan and Michael Schapira. STOC
06. JCSS Special Issue on Knowledge Representation and
Reasoning (invited), 2011.
- An
Improved Approximation Algorithm for Combinatorial Auctions with Submodular Bidders (slides)
Shahar Dobzinski and
Michael Schapira. SODA
- Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial
Auctions with Complement Free Bidders (poster) (slides)
Shahar Dobzinski,
Noam Nisan and Michael Schapira. STOC
05. Mathematics of Operations Research, 2010.
Unpublished Manuscript
Ph.D. Thesis
The Economics of Internet Protocols
Michael Schapira, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Ph.D. committee: Prof. Sergiu Hart, Prof. Noam
Nisan (advisor) and Prof. Jeff Rosenschein.