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Note: You are looking at a static copy of the former PineWiki site, used for class notes by James Aspnes from 2003 to 2012. Many mathematical formulas are broken, and there are likely to be other bugs as well. These will most likely not be fixed. You may be able to find more up-to-date versions of some of these notes at http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/#classes.

This is the web page for CS 202: Mathematical Tools for Computer Science for the Fall 2007 semester. Here you can find pointers to various resources for students taking the course. You should check this page periodically for new announcements.

1. Final exam info

The final exam was given Thursday, December 20th, 2007, starting at 9:00 a.m., in AKW 200. It was a closed-book test covering all material discussed during the semester.

This year's exam final-2007.pdf and sample solutions final-2007-solutions.pdf.

Sample solutions from past years' exams: final-2004-solutions.pdf, final-2005-solutions.pdf. Final exams without solutions: final-2004.pdf, final-2005.pdf.

2. Announcements

Final exam grades and semester grades are available in Grade-o-Matic. Thank you all for taking 202, and have a great break!
Graded final exams are available outside AKW 401.

If you haven't gotten your copy of /Assignments/HW10 back yet, it is probably on the table outside AKW 401.


/Assignments/HW10/Solutions are now available.


3. Mean assignment grades

     name     | mean  | stddev 
 Homework 1   | 16.73 |   2.68
 Homework 2   | 14.86 |   2.83
 Homework 3   | 16.13 |   3.33
 Homework 4   | 16.34 |   3.79
 Homework 5   | 13.95 |   3.49
 Homework 6   | 14.71 |   2.72
 Homework 7   | 15.72 |   3.34
 Homework 8   | 13.71 |   3.95
 Homework 9   | 15.81 |   2.55
 Homework 10  | 14.13 |   3.29
 Midterm Exam | 53.54 |  10.47
 Final Exam   | 77.95 |  16.51

4. Resources

5. Staff


Teaching Fellow

6. Calendar

For details of what topics are covered in each lecture, see /Schedule.

7. Questions and comments

Please feel free to send questions or comments on the class or anything connected to it to <aspnes@cs.yale.edu>.

2014-06-17 11:57