||, 9.2
- *, 3.1.3, 3.2.2
- +, 3.1.3, 3.2.2
- -, 3.2.2
- /, 3.2.2
- 2-level approach, 8.10.3
- ;, 9.2
- ;[...|...|...], 9.2
- <, 3.2.2
- <=, 3.2.2
- >, 3.2.2
- >=, 3.2.2
- ?, 8.2.2
- ?=, 3.2.2
- %, 11.2.2
- &, 3.1.4
- _, 1.2.11
- {A}+{B}, 3.1.4
- {x:A & (P x)}, 3.1.4
- {x:A | (P x)}, 3.1.4
- |, 3.1.4
- A*B, 3.1.3
- A+{B}, 3.1.4
- A+B, 3.1.3
- Abbreviations, 11.3
- Abort, 7.1.6
- About, 2
- Absolute names, 2.5.2
- Acc, 3.1.6
- Acc_inv, 3.1.6
- Acc_rec, 3.1.6
- Add Abstract Ring, 2
- Add Abstract Semi Ring, 3
- Add Field, 8.11.10
- Add LoadPath, 6.5.3
- Add ML Path, 6.5.7
- Add Morphism, 20.3
- Add Printing If ident, 2.2.4
- Add Printing Let ident, 2.2.4
- Add Rec LoadPath, 6.5.4
- Add Rec ML Path, 6.5.8
- Add Ring, 8.11.8, 19.5
- Add Semi
Ring, 1
- Add Semi Ring, 8.11.8
- Add Setoid, 20.2
- Admitted, 1.3.5, 7.1.3
- Arguments Scope, 11.2.2
- Arithmetical notations, 3.2.2
- Arity, 4.5.3
- Associativity, 11.1.2
- Axiom, 1.3.1
- Axiom (and coercions), 5
- abstract, 9.2
- abstractions, 1.2.7
- absurd, 3.1.2, 8.4.1
- absurd_set, 3.1.4
- all, 3.1.2
- and, 3.1.2
- and_rec, 3.1.4
- app, 3.2.5
- applications, 1.2.9
- apply, 8.3.6
- apply ... with, 1
- assert, 8.3.8
- assumption, 8.3.1
- auto, 8.11.1
- autorewrite, 8.11.12
- Back, 6.6.2
- Bad Magic Number, 3
- Begin Silent, 6.8.1
- Bind Scope, 11.2.2
- Binding list, 8.3.11
- BNF metasyntax, 1
- beta-reduction, 4.3, 4.3
- binders, 1.2.6
- bool, 3.1.3
- bool_choice, 3.1.4
- byte-code, 12.1
- Calculus of
(Co)Inductive Constructions, 4
- Calculus of (Co)Inductive Constructions, 4
- Canonical Structure, 2.6.10
- Cases, 15
- Cast, 1.2.10
- Cd, 6.5.2
- Check, 6.2.1
- Choice, 3.1.4
- Choice2, 3.1.4
- CIC, 4
- Clauses, 8.5
- Close Scope, 11.2.1
- Coercion, 2.7, 16.6.1, 2
- Coercion Local, 1, 4
- Coercions, 2.7
- CoFixpoint, 1.3.4
- CoFixpoint ... where ..., 11.1.8
- CoInductive, 1.3.3
- CoInductive (and coercions), 6
- Comments, 1.1
- Compiled files, 6.4
- Conjecture, 1.3.1
- Connectives, 3.1.2
- Constant, 1.3.2
- Context, 4.2
- Contributions, 3.3
- Conversion rules, 4.3
- Conversion tactics, 8.5
- coqdep, 13.2
- coqdoc, 13.4
- coq_Makefile, 13.3
- coqmktop, 13.1
- coq-tex, 13.6
- case, 4
- case ... with, 5
- cbv, 8.5.1
- change, 8.3.10
- change ... in, 8.3.10
- clear, 8.3.2
- clearbody, 2
- compare, 8.9.2
- compute, 8.5.1, 1
- congruence, 8.11.6
- conj, 3.1.2
- constructor, 8.6.1
- constructor ... with, 2
- context
in expression, 9.2
- in pattern, 9.2
- contradiction, 8.4.2
- coqc, 12
- coqide, 14
- coqtop, 12
- cut, 3
- cutrewrite, 8.8.2
- Datatypes, 3.1.3
- Debugger, 13.1
- Declarations, 1.3.1
- Declare Left Step, 8.8.8
- Declare ML Module, 6.4.3
- Declare Right Step, 8.8.8
- Defined, 1.3.5, 1
- Definition, 1.3.2, 3
- Definitions, 1.3.2
- Delimit Scope, 11.2.2
- Dependencies, 13.2
- Derive Dependent Inversion, 2
- Derive Dependent Inversion_clear, 3
- Derive Inversion, 8.10.2
- Derive Inversion_clear, 1
- Derive Inversion_clear ... with, 1
- Drop, 6.7.2
- decide equality, 8.9.1
- decompose, 8.7.5
- decompose record, 2
- decompose sum, 1
- delta-reduction, 1.3.2, 4.3, 4.3
- dependent inversion, 10
- dependent inversion ... as , 11
- dependent inversion ... as ... with, 15
- dependent inversion ... with, 14
- dependent inversion_clear, 12
- dependent inversion_clear ... as, 13
- dependent inversion_clear ... as ... with, 17
- dependent inversion_clear ... with, 16
- dependent rewrite ->, 8.9.6
- dependent rewrite <-, 1
- destruct, 8.7.2
- discriminate, 8.9.3, 2
- discrR, 3.2.4
- do, 9.2
- double induction, 8.7.4
- Elimination
Empty elimination, 4.5.4
- Singleton elimination, 4.5.4
- Elimination sorts, 4.5.4
- Emacs, 13.7
- End, 2.3.2, 2.4.2, 2.4.5
- End Silent, 6.8.2
- Environment, 1.3.2, 4.2
- Environment variables, 12.4
- Equality, 3.1.2
- Eval, 6.2.2
- Exc, 3.1.4
- Except, 3.1.4
- Explicitation of implicit arguments, 2.6.7
- Export, 1
- Extract Constant, 18.2.3
- Extract Inductive, 18.2.3
- Extraction, 18
- Extraction, 6.2.3, 18.1
- Extraction Inline, 18.2.2
- Extraction Language, 18.2.1
- Extraction Module, 18.1
- Extraction NoInline, 18.2.2
- eapply, 3, 10.2
- eauto, 8.11.2
- elim ... using, 8
- elim ... with, 6
- elimtype, 9
- eq, 3.1.2
- eq_add_S, 3.1.5
- eq_ind_r, 3.1.2
- eq_rec, 3.1.4
- eq_rec_r, 3.1.2
- eq_rect, 3.1.2
- eq_rect_r, 3.1.2
- eq_S, 3.1.5
- error, 3.1.4
- eta-conversion, 4.3
- eta-reduction, 4.3
- eval
- ex, 3.1.2
- ex2, 3.1.2
- ex_intro, 3.1.2
- ex_intro2, 3.1.2
- exact, 8.2.1
- exist, 3.1.4
- exist2, 3.1.4
- existS, 3.1.4
- existS2, 3.1.4
- exists, 3.1.2, 4
- exists2, 3.1.2
- Fact, 1.3.5, 2
- False, 3.1.2
- False_rec, 3.1.4
- Fix, 4.5.5
- Fix_F, 3.1.6
- Fix_F_eq, 3.1.6
- Fix_F_inv, 3.1.6
- Fixpoint, 1.3.4
- Fixpoint ... where ..., 11.1.8
- Focus, 7.2.5
- Functional Scheme, 8.14, 10.4
- f_equal, 3.1.2
- f_equali, 3.1.2
- fail, 9.2
- false, 3.1.3
- field, 8.11.9
- first, 9.2
- firstorder, 8.11.5
- firstorder tactic, 1
- firstorder using, 3
- firstorder with, 2
- fix identi{...}, 1.2.14
- fix_eq, 3.1.6
- flat_map, 3.2.5
- fold, 8.5.6
- fold_left, 3.2.5
- fold_right, 3.2.5
- form, 1.2.5
- fourier, 8.11.11
- fresh
- fst, 3.1.3
- fun
- functional induction, 8.7.6, 10.4
- Gallina, 1, 2
- gallina, 13.8
- Goal, 1.3.5, 7.1.1
- ge, 3.1.5
- generalize, 8.3.9
- generalize dependent, 2
- goal, 8
- gt, 3.1.5
- Head normal form, 4.3
- Hint, 8.12
- Hint Constructors, 8.12
- Hint Extern, 8.12
- Hint Immediate, 8.12
- Hint Resolve, 8.12
- Hint Rewrite, 8.11.13
- Hint Unfold, 8.12
- Hints databases, 8.12
- Hypotheses, 1.3.1
- Hypothesis, 1.3.1
- Hypothesis (and coercions), 5
- head, 3.2.5
- hnf, 8.5.3
- I, 3.1.2
- Identity Coercion, 16.6.2
- IF_then_else, 3.1.2
- Implicit Arguments, 2.6.2
- Implicit arguments, 2.6
- Import, 2.4.10
- Inductive, 1.3.3
- Inductive (and coercions), 6
- Inductive ... where ..., 11.1.8
- Inductive definitions, 1.3.3
- Infix, 11.1.6
- Inspect, 1
- Interpretation scopes, 11.2
- IsSucc, 3.1.5
- ident, 1.1
- identity, 3.1.3
- idtac, 9.2
- if ... then ... else, 2.2.2
- iff, 3.1.2
- induction, 8.7.1
- info, 9.2
- injection, 8.9.4, 2
- inl, 3.1.3
- inleft, 3.1.4
- inr, 3.1.3
- inright, 3.1.4
- integer, 1.1
- intro, 8.3.5
- intro ... after, 7
- intro after, 6
- intros, 1
- intros intro_pattern, 8.7.3
- intros until, 4, 5
- intuition, 8.11.4
- inversion, 8.10.1, 10.5
- inversion ... as, 3
- inversion ... as ... in, 7
- inversion ... in, 6
- inversion ... using, 20
- inversion ... using ... in, 21
- inversion_clear, 2
- inversion_clear ... as ... in, 9
- inversion_clear ... in, 8
- inversion_cleardots as, 5
- iota-reduction, 4.3, 4.3, 4.5.4, 4.5.5
- LATEX, 13.6
- Lemma, 1.3.5, 1
- Let, 1.3.2
- Lexical conventions, 1.1
- Libraries, 2.5.1
- Load, 6.3.1
- Load Verbose, 2
- Loadpath, 6.5
- Local, 4
- Local definitions, 1.2.12
- Locate, 6.2.10, 11.1.10
- Locate
File, 6.5.10
- Locate Library, 6.5.11
- Logical paths, 2.5.1
- Ltac
- Ltac, 9.3
- lambda-calculus, 5
- lapply, 4
- lazy, 8.5.1
- le, 3.1.5
- le_n, 3.1.5
- le_S, 3.1.5
- left, 3.1.4, 5
- length, 3.2.5
- let
- let ... in, 2.2.3
- let rec
- let-in, 1.2.12
- local context, 7
- lt, 3.1.5
- Makefile, 13.3
- Man pages, 13.9
- ML-like patterns, 2.2.1, 15
- Module, 2.4.1, 2.4.3
- Module Type, 2.4.4
- Modules, 2.4
- Mutual Inductive, 1.3.3
- map, 3.2.5
- match
- match...with...end, 1.2.13, 2.2, 4.5.4
- match goal
- match reverse goal
- mod, 3.2.2
- move, 8.3.3
- mult, 3.1.5
- mult_n_O, 3.1.5
- mult_n_Sm, 3.1.5
- None, 3.1.3
- Normal form, 4.3
- Notation, 11.1, 11.3
- Notations for lists, 3.2.5
- Notations for real numbers, 3.2.4
- n_Sn, 3.1.5
- nat, 3.1.3
- nat_case, 3.1.5
- nat_double_ind, 3.1.5
- nat_scope, 3.2.3
- native code, 12.1
- not, 3.1.2
- not_eq_S, 3.1.5
- notT, 3.1.7
- nth, 3.2.5
- num, 1.1
- O, 3.1.3
- O_S, 3.1.5
- Opaque, 6.2.4
- Open Scope, 11.2.1
- Options of the command line, 12.5
- omega, 8.11.7, 17.1
- option, 3.1.3
- or, 3.1.2
- or_introl, 3.1.2
- or_intror, 3.1.2
- Parameter, 1.3.1
- Parameter (and coercions), 5
- Parameters, 1.3.1
- Peano's arithmetic, 3.2.3
- Positivity, 4.5.3
- Precedences, 11.1.2
- Predicative Calculus of
(Co)Inductive Constructions, 4
- Print, 6.1.1
- Print All, 6.1.2
- Print Classes, 16.7.1
- Print Coercion Paths, 16.7.4
- Print Coercions, 16.7.2
- Print Extraction Inline, 18.2.2
- Print Grammar constr, 11.1.4
- Print Graph, 16.7.3
- Print Hint, 8.12.2
- Print HintDb, 3
- Print Implicit, 2.6.8
- Print LoadPath, 6.5.6
- Print ML Modules, 6.4.4
- Print ML Path, 6.5.9
- Print Module, 2.4.11
- Print Module Type, 2.4.12
- Print Modules, 6.4.2
- Print Section, 2
- Print Table Printing If, 2.2.4
- Print Table Printing Let, 2.2.4
- Print Term, 1
- Print XML, 13.5.5
- Programming, 3.1.3
- Prompt, 7
- Proof, 1.3.5, 7.1.5
- Proof editing, 7
- Proof General, 13.7.2
- Proof rendering, 13.5
- Proof term, 7
- Prop, 1.2.5, 4.1.1
- Pwd, 6.5.1
- pair, 3.1.3
- pairT, 3.1.7
- pattern, 8.5.7
- pCIC, 4
- plus, 3.1.5
- plus_n_O, 3.1.5
- plus_n_Sm, 3.1.5
- pose, 8.3.7
- pred, 3.1.5
- pred_Sn, 3.1.5
- prod, 3.1.3
- prodT, 3.1.7
- products, 1.2.8
- progress, 9.2
- proj1, 3.1.2
- proj2, 3.1.2
- projS1, 3.1.4
- projS2, 3.1.4
- Qed, 1.3.5, 7.1.2
- Qualified identifiers, 2.5.2
- Quantifiers, 3.1.2
- Quit, 6.7.1
- qualid, 2.6.7
- quote, 8.10.3, 10.7
- Record, 2.1
- Recursion, 3.1.6
- Recursive arguments, 4.5.5
- Recursive Extraction, 18.1
- Recursive Extraction Module, 18.1
- Remark, 1.3.5, 2
- Remove LoadPath, 6.5.5
- Remove Printing If ident, 2.2.4
- Remove Printing Let ident, 2.2.4
- Require, 6.4.1
- Require Export, 1
- ReservedNotation, 11.1.7
- Reset, 6.6.1
- Reset Extraction Inline, 18.2.2
- Reset Initial, 2
- Resource file, 12.3
- Restart, 7.2.4
- Restore State, 6.6.3
- Resume, 7.1.8
- red, 8.5.2
- refine, 8.2.2, 10.1
- refl_equal, 3.1.2
- refl_identity, 3.1.3
- reflexivity, 8.8.4
- rename, 8.3.4
- repeat, 9.2
- replace ... with, 8.8.3
- rev, 3.2.5
- rewrite, 8.8.1
- rewrite ->, 1
- rewrite -> ... in, 4
- rewrite <-, 2
- rewrite <- ... in, 5
- rewrite ... in, 3
- right, 3.1.4, 5
- ring, 8.11.8, 19, 19.4
- S, 3.1.3
- Save, 1.3.5, 2
- Scheme, 8.13, 10.3
- Script file, 6.3
- Search, 6.2.6
- SearchAbout, 6.2.7
- SearchPattern, 6.2.8
- SearchPattern ... inside
..., 1
- SearchPattern ... outside ..., 2
- SearchRewrite, 6.2.9
- Section, 2.3.1
- Sections, 2.3
- Set, 1.2.5, 4.1.1
- Set Contextual Implicit, 2.6.6
- Set Extraction AutoInline, 18.2.2
- Set Extraction Optimize, 18.2.2
- Set Firstorder Depth, 8.11.5
- Set Hyps Limit, 7.3.2
- Set Implicit Arguments, 2.6.4
- Set Printing All, 2.8
- Set Printing Coercion, 16.8.2
- Set Printing Coercions, 16.8.1
- Set Printing Depth, 6.8.6
- Set Printing Implicit, 2.6.9
- Set Printing Notations, 11.1.9
- Set Printing Synth, 2.2.4
- Set Printing Width, 6.8.3
- Set Printing Wildcard, 2.2.4
- Set Strict Implicit, 2.6.5
- Set Undo, 7.2.2
- Show, 7.3.1
- Show Conjectures, 7
- Show Implicits, 2
- Show Intro, 8
- Show Intros, 9
- Show Proof, 6
- Show Script, 4
- Show Tree, 5
- Show XML Proof, 13.5.5
- Silent mode, 6.8.1
- Some, 3.1.3
- Sorts, 1.2.5, 1.2.5, 4.1.1
- Structure, 16.9
- SubClass, 2
- Substitution, 4.1.3
- Suspend, 7.1.7
- Syntactic Definition, 11.3
- set, 8.3.7
- setoid_replace, 20, 20.4
- setoid_rewrite, 20.4
- sig, 3.1.4
- sig2, 3.1.4
- sigS, 3.1.4
- sigS2, 3.1.4
- simpl, 8.5.4
- simpl ... in, 8.5.4
- simple destruct, 6
- simple induction, 10
- simple inversion, 18
- simple inversion ... as, 19
- simplify_eq, 8.9.5
- snd, 3.1.3
- solve, 9.2
- sort, 1.1
- specif, 1.2.5
- split, 3
- split_Rabs, 3.2.4
- split_Rmult, 3.2.4
- stepl, 8.8.8
- stepr, 8.8.8
- string, 1.1
- subgoal, 8
- subst, 8.8.7
- sum, 3.1.3
- sumbool, 3.1.4
- sumor, 3.1.4
- sym_eq, 3.1.2
- sym_not_eq, 3.1.2
- symmetry, 8.8.5
- symmetry in, 8.8.5
- Tactic Definition, 8.15
- Tacticals, 9.2
tactic1;tactic2, 9.2
- ; [ , ]9.2
- abstract, 9.2
- do, 9.2
- fail, 9.2
- first, 9.2
- idtac, 9.2
- info, 9.2
- ||, 9.2
- repeat, 9.2
- solve, 9.2
- try, 9.2
- Tactics, 8
- Terms, 1.2
- Test Printing Depth, 6.8.8
- Test Printing If ident, 2.2.4
- Test Printing Let ident, 2.2.4
- Test Printing Synth, 2.2.4
- Test Printing Width, 6.8.5
- Test Printing Wildcard, 2.2.4
- Theorem, 1.3.5, 7.1.4
- Theories, 3
- Time, 6.7.3
- Transparent, 6.2.5
- True, 3.1.2
- Type, 1.2.5, 4.1.1
- Type of constructor, 4.5.3
- Typing rules, 4.2, 8.3
App, 4.2, 3
- Ax, 4.2
- Const, 4.2
- Conv, 4.3, 8.3.5, 8.3.10
- Fix, 4.5.5
- Lam, 4.2, 8.3.5
- Let, 4.2, 8.3.5
- match, 4.5.4
- Prod, 4.2
- Prod (impredicative Set), 4.7
- Var, 4.2, 8.3.1
- tactic, 8.1
- tactic macros, 8.15
- tail, 3.2.5
- tauto, 8.11.3
- term, 1.1
- trans_eq, 3.1.2
- transitivity, 8.8.6
- trivial, 4
- true, 3.1.3
- try, 9.2
- tt, 3.1.3
- type, 1.2.2, 1.2.6
- type of
- type_scope, 11.2.3
- Undo, 7.2.1
- Unfocus, 7.2.6
- Unset Contextual Implicit, 2.6.6
- Unset Extraction AutoInline, 18.2.2
- Unset Extraction Optimize, 18.2.2
- Unset Hyps Limit, 7.3.3
- Unset Implicit Arguments, 2.6.4
- Unset Printing All, 2.8
- Unset Printing Coercion, 16.8.2
- Unset Printing Coercions, 16.8.1
- Unset Printing Depth, 6.8.7
- Unset Printing Implicit, 2.6.9
- Unset Printing Notations, 11.1.9
- Unset Printing Synth, 2.2.4
- Unset Printing Width, 6.8.4
- Unset Printing Wildcard, 2.2.4
- Unset Strict Implicit, 2.6.5
- Unset Undo, 7.2.3
- unfold, 8.5.5
- unfold ... in, 1
- unit, 3.1.3
- Variable, 1.3.1
- Variable (and coercions), 5
- Variables, 1.3.1
- value, 3.1.4
- Well founded induction, 3.1.6
- Well foundedness, 3.1.6
- Write State, 6.6.4
- well_founded, 3.1.6
- XML exportation, 13.5
- zeta-reduction, 4.3, 4.3