Ronghui Gu
Zhong Shao
Hao Chen
Jieung Kim
Jérémie Koenig
Newman Wu
Vilhelm Sjöberg
David Costanzo
Operating System (OS) kernels form the backbone of system
software. They can have a significant impact on the resilience and
security of today's computers. Recent efforts have demonstrated the
feasibility of formally verifying the correctness of simple
general-purpose kernels, but they have ignored the important issues of
concurrency, which include not just user and I/O concurrency on a
single core, but also multicore parallelism with fine-grained locking.
In this paper, we present CertiKOS, a novel compositional framework
for building verified concurrent OS kernels. Concurrency allows
interleaved execution of programs belonging to different abstraction
layers and running on different CPUs/threads. Each such layer can
have a different set of observable events. In CertiKOS, these layers
and their observable events can be formally specified, and each module
can then be verified at the abstraction level it belongs to. To link
all the verified pieces together, CertiKOS enforces a so-called
contextual refinement property for every such piece, which states that
the implementation will behave like its specification under any
concurrent context with any valid interleaving. Using CertiKOS, we have
successfully developed a practical concurrent OS kernel, called
mC2, and built the formal proofs of its correctness in Coq. The
mC2 kernel is written in 6,500 lines of C and x86 assembly and
runs on stock x86 multicore machines. To our knowledge, this is the
first correctness proof of a general-purpose concurrent OS kernel with
fine-grained locking.
- In Communications of the ACM, 62(10), pages 89-99, October 2019. [PDF]
- Also see the Technical Perspective
written by Andrew Appel. [PDF]