  •  According to the research goals of the Center, strongly interdisciplinary, aiming at analyzing the Internet's effect on society and vice versa, form technological, legal, political, economic, cultural and educational perspectives, each contributor gives a personal view of the mosaic and adds a flavor to the global ever changing picture of the interactions between the Internet as a social space and our physical traditional environment.
  • The importance of studying the Internet both as an objective and also as a tool for the research is already a key to understanding the numerous opportunities that the cyberspace offers to overcome the limitations of the time-space constraints in the approach to issues like regulation, intellectual property rights online, infrastructure and network security or e-services to citizens. Therefore all the technical aspects of the Internet are important to understand how it works which gives a better background to the legal implications, and, at a higher level, to policy implications and constituencies, including what policy actually means in such a context.
  • All these topics can lead to various comments that the twofold research, with a technological and legal perspective can analyze in terms of validity, feasibility and desirability in terms of a solution oriented approach. This page is the virtual space of the Center devoted to discussion over some of these topics, in the form of working papers or research papers that intend to add original contributions to the topics of research of the Center.