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Note: topics and deadlines are subject to change.

Date Topic Readings Due
08/31 Th Introduction to Rational Agents
states, actions, optimality, rationality
Ch 1-2
Module 1: Search
09/05 Tu Search Algorithms
transition model, cost function, search tree
Ch 3.1-3.3
09/07 Th Uninformed Search 1
breadth-first, depth-first, iterative-deepening
Ch 3.3-3.4
09/12 Tu Uninformed Search 2
best-first, uniform-cost
Ch 3.3-3.4 HW 1
09/14 Th Informed Search
a-star, heuristic, admissibility, consistency
Ch 3.5-6
09/19 Tu Adversarial Search
zero-sum, mini-max, alpha-beta pruning
Ch 5 HW 2
Module 2: Markov Decision Processes
09/21 Th Markov Decision Processes
policy, reward, transition, utility, discount
Ch 17.1
09/26 Tu Solving MDPs 1
value, q-value, value iteration, bellman equation
Ch 17.2 HW 3
09/28 Th Solving MDPs 2
policy iteration
Ch 17.2 Project 1
10/03 Tu Passive Reinforcement Learning
bandit problems, temporal-difference learning, q-learning
Ch 22.2 HW 4
10/05 Th Active Reinforcement Learning
exploration vs exploitation, epsilon-greedy, exploration fn
Ch 22.3
Module 3: Probabilistic Inference
10/10 Tu Representing Uncertainty
joint, marginal, and conditional probability
Ch 12.1-12.3 HW 5
10/12 Th Bayes’ Rule
chain rule, product rule, inference, independence
Ch 12.4-12.6 Project 2
10/17 Tu Markov Models
POMDPs, belief state, markov chain
Ch 17.4, 14.1 HW 6
10/19 Th No Class
October Break
10/24 Tu Inference in Temporal Models 1
filtering, state estimation, prediction, smoothing
Ch 14.2
10/26 Th Inference in Temporal Models 2
forward-backward, viterbi algorithm, HMMs
Ch 14.3
10/31 Tu Particle Filters 1
sampling, kalman filter
Ch 14.4-14.5 HW 7
11/02 Th Particle Filters 2
dynamic bayesian network, MCMC
Ch 14.4-14.5
Module 4: Classification and Regression
11/07 Tu Learning from Examples
naive bayes, decision tree, bias-variance tradeoff
Ch 12.6, 19.3 HW 8
11/09 Th Information Theory
under/over-fitting, entropy, information gain
Ch 19.2-19.3 Project 3
11/14 Tu Ensemble Learning
bagging, boosting, stacking, random forest
Ch 19.8 HW 9
11/16 Th Linear Regression and Classification 1
loss, gradient descent, hill climbing
Ch 19.6
– November Break –
11/28 Tu Linear Regression and Classification 2
perceptron, back-propagation, matrix multiplication
Ch 21.1
11/30 Th Non-linear Models 1
hidden layer, activation function, softmax, convolution
Ch 21.2
12/05 Tu Non-linear Models 2
k-nearest neighbors, kernel, support-vector machine
Ch 19.7 HW 10
12/07 Th Ethics and Safety of AI
topics TBD
Ch 27 Project 4
(Neural Nets)
12/12 Tu No Class HW 11
12/19 Tu No Class 570 Project