Well, I can't walk yet, but I can FLY! It's true! I flew all the way to Texas and then back home again!

Mama and Daddy had free-airfare vouchers that they had to use or lose, so they decided we'd go visit my godparents Chris and Tenille and their kitties, Pearl and Bailey. Our trip got off to a slow start, because there was a snowstorm the day we were supposed to leave. We got rescheduled to the following day, although this meant it would take *three* flights to get us there -- from Hartford to Cleveland, then to Houston, then finally to Austin. I was a real trooper the whole time, though. And then we were there!

We spent Saturday hanging out in Chris and Tenille's pretty new house. It's warm in Texas -- you don't have to wear socks there! I was very impressed! Pearl and Bailey showed me around the house and were very hospitable.

On Sunday we got together with my new friends John and Dee and everybody went out for brunch. Then we drove through the Hill Country to visit a winery, and then it was on to a super cool state park. Monday brought more adventures -- a walk around UT Austin (where Auntie Nille is getting her Masters), a trip to the Texas State History Museum and then a barbeque dinner.

On Tuesday we had to come home. I was sad to say goodbye to Chris and Tenille and can't wait to get back to Austin again!


Mama and I are flying to Cleveland, and boy, are our arms tired! Ba-doom ching! Seriously, I was a very good girl on the plane.


I spent some quality time stretching my legs in the Cleveland Airport.


We arrived in Texas and I acquainted myself with the locals, including my godsister, Pearl the cat.


I've got what it takes to be a Senior Sales Engineer, in the sense that I can sit in Chris' office in my jammies, just like he does.


Visiting the winery, I hung out with Tenille and Dee.


I am so sweet that Tenille tried to eat me up.


I got comfy with my new friend Dee.


I was very interested in seeing all the local sights, such as the buttons on Daddy's shirt.


Daddy and I taking a victory lap at the winery.


Here's Pedernales Falls State Park, where the Pedernales River cuts through layers of limestone. Pretty neat, huh?


I snoozed through the beginning of the visit to the falls...


...but I woke up in plenty of time to go hiking out over the exposed rock.


One of the cool-o white-water areas


Too bad Grampa Lar wasn't here; he could have helped this man catch some fish.


Mama and Daddy and I posed with some of the pretty scenery.


The gang's all here -- Auntie Nille, Uncle Chris, Mama, Daddy and me!


Can you spot us in this picture in the Texas State History Museum?


Oh my gosh! I just remembered -- the Alamo! Here's Mama and me in front of a reproduction of the front of it.


I want to be a cowgirl!


Arrr! Pirate baby!


For barbecue dinner at the County Line, I wore my new Longhorn hat. I think I look like quite the little Texan!


One more quick photo of us pretty girls...


...one more attempt to catch the kitties...


...and then it was time to go home. Thank you, Uncle Chris and Auntie Nille! I had a great visit! Y'all come see *us* next time!

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