Christmas lasts for a very long time in our house! Early in December I posed for our Christmas cards. I was skeptical at first -- Mama draped a black sheet over a card table and then Daddy had to sit under the table, reaching through holes in the sheet to hold me and my halo and wings while Mama said things like "more to the left! No, the other left!" -- but in the end, the results were very nice. I was a good girl and played in my Saucer while Mama addressed a lot of envelopes.

Then the holiday was finally here! We had five (five!) separate Christmasses! On December 22 we went to Jessup, PA, where I finally got to meet my Great Gramma and Grampa Scassellati and my Great Uncle Frank. Then it was on to Nana and Grampa's house, in the (O Little Town of) Bethlehem, PA. It snowed both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!

It was still kind of slippery on December 26, but we were off again, making our way back up to Connecticut to my Hayes cousins' house. We had caroling, plus of course more food and more presents. That night, we went back to Gramma and Grampa's house, which fortunately was only about ten minutes away. The next day... Merry Christmas yet again! Gramma Louise made a Swedish smorgasbord, which I appreciated, given my heritage. Then we went back to our house and I slept for a long time!

But it wasn't over yet! On January 4, the ninth annual Somerville Family Christmas was held at our house with 29 adults and 3 babies in attendance. Chris and Tenille flew in from Austin, getting to our house the day before to help prepare food and to hang out with me. Then everybody came down from Boston and Merri drove out from Ithaca and we all celebrated together!

Mama and Daddy had been wanting to take a picture of me sitting in front of the Christmas tree, but I was having a little trouble with the whole 'sitting up' concept. I kept slumping forward or tipping over or both. But I watched Breila at SFC, and all of a sudden, I could sit with the best of them! So we finished the season with a few nice pictures of me in front of our beautiful tree. Merry Christmas, everybody!


My first Christmas!


For every angelic Christmas card picture, there are a whole lotta outtakes...


Frankenbaby shakes her groove thang


I'm open, Mama! Throw me the halo!


Now we'll pause while I have a side conversation with an invisible friend


In about ten seconds, I'm going to get all Sean Penn on you guys!


I am outta here!


For those of you unfamiliar with baby talk, this means "No more PICTURES!"


I had a great time with Great Gramma and Great Grampa Scassellati


What's that? You made cookies? Why didn't you say so?!


a whole passel of Scassellatis! Great Uncle Frank, Daddy, me (of course!), Great Gramma and Great Grampa


My first Christmas was a white one, with snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Hooray!


I got to hang out with Nana and Grampa while Daddy and Mama went to see the Lord of the Rings


Grampa thinks Nana has already taken enough photos of us


Rise and shine, everybody! Mama, Pop Pop, Daddy and me


Here's me with Grampa's pretty daughter, Megan


Opening my very first Christmas present. Stage One - Polite Disinterest


"What? It's for me?" Stage Two - Heightened Curiousity


"...and this stuff wrapped around it tears if you pull it!" Stage Three - Fullfledged Excitement


"This is great! Can we do this every year?!" Stage Four - Indoctrination Complete


Hey, I got a hat! I model it for my adoring fans.


Grampa and I bask in the glow of the Christmas-light fire


Tony and I regale each other with stories of our wacky exploits


Mama and I have to rest a little; otherwise, we get cranky.


"Fa la la la la, la la la la!" At last, some lyrics written with me in mind!


This is my first encounter with a gift bag. Nate helps me and it turns out to have a cool stuffed dog inside!


Becca and Sam help me unwrap a nifty new bib and washcloth set


Daddy fails to heed my advice and as a result, Nate whups us at backgammon.


By the time we got to Gramma and Grampa's, I was an old hand with packages. First you rip the paper...


...and then you eat the paper. Hey, Daddy, that's mine!


Me and Peg goofing off together


Let's just title this "a bunch of big babies" and leave it at that, okay?


Presenting the very first batch of Somerville Family Christmas babies! We all turned out pretty nice, huh?


We three babies of Christmastime are!


None of the grown-ups were in the mood for rice cereal, so Mama made this food for them instead


Breila and I hanging out on the floor of my room. No grown-ups allowed!


Mama! Hey! I said 'No grown-ups allowed!'


Baby-on-baby action!


It's true! You do have two teeth!


Here's that handsome little Mr. Braedon... I love a man in a cardigan!


Auntie Suz suggested we take a picture like this every year, so here it is... Merry Christmas one and all!


You can keep your figgy pudding, I'll just eat my fingers


Sittin' up, suckin' on my lip... life is good!


Daddy made me laugh for this one

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