Problem Set 0
Up Problem Set 0 Problem Set 1 Problem Set 2 Problem Set 3 Problem Set 4 Problem Set 5 Problem Set 6 Problem Set 7 Problem Set 8 Problem Set 9 Problem Set 10


Getting Comfortable

Due anytime the week of Sept 11

Before you begin this assignment you will need to send your NetId to one of the TA's, Kevin Yip or Yitong Yin, so that you can be granted access to the servers.  This might take as much as 24 hours, so please send you NetId asap.

The purpose of this assignment is to get comfortable with the computing platform that we will be using in this class, in particular Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) and Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.  If everything goes well, this assignment should take less than an hour.

  1. Login to one of the VS Servers using Remote Desktop Connection.
  2. Start VS.NET and create a new project.
  3. Follow the instructions in Chapter 1 Section 1.5 of the text, starting on Page 18 under "Using Visual Studio .NET".  Note: When you create the new project, you will see a "New Project" window appear, with a default name such as "ConsoleApplication1" -- you should replace that name with "PS0" instead.  The name for the second problem set will be "PS1", and so on.
  4. Replace the area marked:

    /// <summary>

    /// Summary description for ...

    /// </summary>

    With something like the following:

    /*  This is the Solution to Problem Set 0 in CS112.
         Name: Sam Smart
         NetId: ss42
         Date: Sept 11, 2006

    This style of writing comments is easier than the more verbose "/// <summary>" etc. style.  Every time you tackle a problem set, you should document your solution in a similar way.

  5. Do exercises 14 and 15 on Page 20 of the text.
  6. Save your project before exiting (see further comments below).

Turning in your problem sets

We do not intend to actually grade this problem set, but we do want you to turn it in anyway so that you become familiar with the mechanism for doing so.  The general strategy for turning in problem sets is to create a folder named "PSn" within the folder "m:/MyDocs/Visual Studio Projects/" for each problem set, where "n" is the number of the problem set.  If you followed the instructions in (3) above, this should happen automatically, i.e. you will have a folder called "m:/MyDocs/Visual Studio Projects/PS0" which contains your project.  If not, you will have to put the project folder in the right place, and give it the right name, manually.

That's it, you're done!  :-)