Course Material
Up Introduction Java vs. C# Grading Course Material Software Syllabus Problem Sets


The following text is required for the course, and should be available in the Yale Bookstore:

bulletComputing With C# and the .Net Framework
by Arthur Gittleman
Jones and Bartlett
January 2003
ISBN 0-763-72339-8

Additional course materials will be available on-line, as described below.

bulletHomework and Grading.  All homework assignments will be available on-line, demonstrated in class, handed in electronically, and graded on-line, with comments emailed to students.
bulletYale Classes*v2.  We will use the Classes*v2 server to communicate electronically to the students.  Please sign up at for CPSC 112.  It is important to check this resource daily for announcements, corrections to assignments, etc.
bulletEmail.  If you're having a problem with homework, the software, or whatever, please send email to one of the TA's -- you will usually receive a response within a few hours.  If the question and response is of general interest to the class, we may post it to the Classes*v2 server.  If the TA cannot help you, please send email to me (
bulletCourse Web Pages.  The CS-112 website (which you are currently reading) is the primary source of information about the course, including office hours, assignments, how to use the software, auxiliary reading material, etc.  When changes or additions are made to the website, an announcement will be made on the Classes*v2 server.
bulletVisual Studio.NET There will be an on-line software library, available through Visual Studio.NET (abbreviated VS.NET), which will contain any special software needed for the course, example programs from the textbook, etc.
bulletNotes from Kevin Yip's lecture on November 10.
bulletMy Lecture Notes.