Library bpsl-concrete-coqdoc
Lemma double_neg : forall P : Prop, {P} + {~ P} -> ~ ~ P -> P.
Lemma leq_dec : forall n m, {n <= m} + {n > m}.
Lemma lt_dec : forall n m, {n < m} + {n >= m}.
Definition var := nat.
Definition val := Z.
Inductive binop :=
| Plus
| Minus
| Mult
| Div
| Mod.
Fixpoint op_val op v1 v2 :=
match op with
| Plus => v1+v2
| Minus => v1-v2
| Mult => v1*v2
| Div => v1/v2
| Mod => v1 mod v2
Inductive bbinop :=
| And
| Or
| Impl.
Fixpoint bop_val bop a1 a2 :=
match bop with
| And => andb a1 a2
| Or => orb a1 a2
| Impl => orb (negb a1) a2
Inductive exp :=
| Exp_val : val -> exp
| Exp_nil : exp
| Exp_var : var -> exp
| Exp_op : binop -> exp -> exp -> exp.
Inductive bexp :=
| BExp_eq : exp -> exp -> bexp
| BExp_false : bexp
| BExp_bop : bbinop -> bexp -> bexp -> bexp.
Definition bnot (b : bexp) : bexp := BExp_bop Impl b BExp_false.
Inductive cmd :=
| Skip : cmd
| Assgn : var -> exp -> cmd
| Read : var -> exp -> cmd
| Write : exp -> exp -> cmd
| Cons : var -> list exp -> cmd
| Free : exp -> cmd
| Seq : cmd -> cmd -> cmd
| If : bexp -> cmd -> cmd -> cmd
| While : bexp -> cmd -> cmd.
Notation "c1 ;; c2" := (Seq c1 c2) (at level 81, left associativity).
Notation "'if_' b 'then' c1 'else' c2" := (If b c1 c2) (at level 1).
Notation "'while' b 'do' c" := (While b c) (at level 1).
Notation "x ::= e" := (Assgn x e) (at level 1).
Notation "x ::= [[ e ]]" := (Read x e) (at level 1).
Notation "x ::= 'cons' l" := (Cons x l) (at level 1).
Notation "[[ e1 ]] ::= e2" := (Write e1 e2) (at level 1).
Notation "[ ]" := nil (at level 1).
Notation "[ a ; .. ; b ]" := (a :: .. (b :: []) ..) (at level 1).
Definition natmap (A : Type) := list (nat*A).
Fixpoint find {A} (m : natmap A) n :=
match m with
| [] => None
| (n',v)::m => if eq_nat_dec n n' then Some v else find m n
Fixpoint del {A} (m : natmap A) n :=
match m with
| [] => []
| (n',v)::m => if eq_nat_dec n n' then del m n else (n',v)::(del m n)
Fixpoint maxkey_help {A} (m : natmap A) n :=
match m with
| [] => n
| (n',_)::m => if lt_dec n n' then maxkey_help m n' else maxkey_help m n
Definition maxkey {A} (m : natmap A) := maxkey_help m 0.
Definition upd {A} (m : natmap A) n v := (n,v)::m.
Definition union {A} (m1 m2 : natmap A) := m1 ++ m2.
Notation "m1 @ m2" := (union m1 m2) (at level 2).
Definition haskey {A} (m : natmap A) n := find m n <> None.
Definition mapsto {A} (m : natmap A) n v := find m n = Some v.
Definition disjoint {A} (m1 m2 : natmap A) := forall n, haskey m1 n -> ~ haskey m2 n.
Notation "m1 # m2" := (disjoint m1 m2) (at level 2).
Definition empmap {A} : natmap A := [].
Lemma maxkey_help_best {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n, maxkey_help m n >= n.
Lemma maxkey_help_monotonic {A} : forall (m : natmap A) a b, a <= b -> maxkey_help m a <= maxkey_help m b.
Lemma maxkey_max {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n, haskey m n -> n < S (maxkey m).
Lemma natmap_finite {A} : forall (m : natmap A), ~ haskey m (S (maxkey m)).
Lemma mapsto_eq {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n v1 v2, mapsto m n v1 -> mapsto m n v2 -> v1 = v2.
Lemma mapsto_in {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n v, mapsto m n v -> In (n,v) m.
Lemma mapsto_haskey {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n v, mapsto m n v -> haskey m n.
Lemma haskey_mapsto {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n, haskey m n -> exists v, mapsto m n v.
Lemma mapsto_union {A} : forall (m1 m2 : natmap A) n v, mapsto m1 n v -> mapsto (union m1 m2) n v.
Lemma haskey_union {A} : forall (m1 m2 : natmap A) n, haskey m1 n -> haskey (union m1 m2) n.
Lemma mapsto_union_frame {A} : forall (m1 m2 : natmap A) n v, mapsto m2 n v -> ~ haskey m1 n -> mapsto (union m1 m2) n v.
Lemma mapsto_union_inversion {A} : forall (m1 m2 : natmap A) n v, mapsto (union m1 m2) n v -> (mapsto m1 n v \/ (~ haskey m1 n /\ mapsto m2 n v)).
Lemma union_mapsto {A} : forall (m1 m2 : natmap A) n v, mapsto (union m1 m2) n v <-> mapsto m1 n v \/ (~ haskey m1 n /\ mapsto m2 n v).
Lemma del_mapsto {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n n' v, mapsto (del m n) n' v <-> mapsto m n' v /\ n <> n'.
Lemma del_haskey {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n n', haskey (del m n) n' <-> haskey m n' /\ n <> n'.
Lemma del_not_haskey {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n, ~ haskey m n -> del m n = m.
Lemma upd_mapsto {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n v n' v', mapsto (upd m n v) n' v' <-> (n = n' /\ v = v') \/ (n <> n' /\ mapsto m n' v').
Lemma upd_haskey {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n v n', haskey (upd m n v) n' <-> n = n' \/ (n <> n' /\ haskey m n').
Lemma in_remove : forall (l : list nat) n k, In k (remove eq_nat_dec n l) <-> k <> n /\ In k l.
Lemma haskey_dec {A} : forall (m : natmap A) n, {haskey m n} + {~ haskey m n}.
Lemma haskey_union_frame {A} : forall (m1 m2 : natmap A) n, haskey m2 n -> haskey (union m1 m2) n.
Definition store := var -> val.
Definition heap := natmap val.
Definition freelist := list nat.
Inductive state := St : store -> heap -> freelist -> state.
Definition Store (st : state) := let (s,_,_) := st in s.
Definition Heap (st : state) := let (_,h,_) := st in h.
Definition Flst (st : state) := let (_,_,f) := st in f.
Definition config := prod state cmd.
Definition in_fl (f : freelist) n := ~ In n f.
Definition disjhf (h : heap) (f : freelist) := forall n, haskey h n -> ~ in_fl f n.
Lemma in_fl_dec : forall f n, {in_fl f n} + {~ in_fl f n}.
Fixpoint maxaddr_help (f : freelist) n :=
match f with
| [] => n
| k::f => if lt_dec n k then maxaddr_help f k else maxaddr_help f n
Definition maxaddr f := maxaddr_help f 0.
Lemma maxaddr_help_monotonic : forall f a b, a >= b -> maxaddr_help f a >= maxaddr_help f b.
Lemma maxaddr_max_help1 : forall f n k, n > maxaddr (k::f) -> n > k.
Lemma maxaddr_max_help2 : forall f n k, n > maxaddr (k::f) -> n > maxaddr f.
Lemma maxaddr_max : forall f n, n > maxaddr f -> in_fl f n.
Definition upd_s s x v : store := fun y => if eq_nat_dec y x then v else s y.
Notation "s [ x ~-> v ]" := (upd_s s x v) (at level 2).
Notation "h [ n ~~> v ]" := (upd h n v) (at level 2).
Fixpoint upd_block (h : heap) n vs : heap :=
match vs with
| v::vs => (upd_block h (n+1) vs)[n~~>v]
| [] => h
Notation "h [ n ~~~> vs ]" := (upd_block h n vs) (at level 2).
Fixpoint add_fl (f : freelist) n k : freelist :=
match k with
| 0 => f
| S k => remove eq_nat_dec n (add_fl f (n+1) k)
Fixpoint del_fl (f : freelist) n k : freelist :=
match k with
| 0 => f
| S k => n :: del_fl f (n+1) k
Lemma upd_s_simpl : forall s x v, s[x~->v] x = v.
Lemma upd_s_simpl_neq : forall s x y v, y <> x -> s[x~->v] y = s y.
Lemma disj_upd : forall (h1 h2 : heap) n v, h1 # h2 -> haskey h1 n -> h1[n~~>v] # h2.
Lemma disjhf_upd : forall h f n v, disjhf h f -> haskey h n -> disjhf h[n~~>v] f.
Lemma disjhf_dot : forall h1 h2 f, disjhf (h1@h2) f <-> disjhf h1 f /\ disjhf h2 f.
Lemma dot_upd_comm : forall (h1 h2 : heap) n v, h1[n~~>v] @ h2 = (h1@h2)[n~~>v].
Lemma dot_upd_block_comm : forall (h1 h2 : heap) vs n, h1[n~~~>vs] @ h2 = (h1@h2)[n~~~>vs].
Lemma upd_haskey_block : forall (h : heap) n vs k, haskey h[n~~~>vs] k <-> (k >= n /\ k < n + length vs) \/ haskey h k.
Lemma dot_del_comm : forall (h1 h2 : heap) n, ~ haskey h2 n -> (del h1 n)@h2 = del (h1@h2) n.
Fixpoint exp_val (s : store) e :=
match e with
| Exp_val v => v
| Exp_nil => -1
| Exp_var x => s x
| Exp_op op e1 e2 => op_val op (exp_val s e1) (exp_val s e2)
Fixpoint bexp_val (s : store) b :=
match b with
| BExp_eq e1 e2 => if Z_eq_dec (exp_val s e1) (exp_val s e2) then true else false
| BExp_false => false
| BExp_bop bop b1 b2 => bop_val bop (bexp_val s b1) (bexp_val s b2)
Inductive step : config -> config -> Prop :=
| Step_skip :
forall st C,
step (st, Skip ;; C) (st, C)
| Step_assgn :
forall s h f x e,
step (St s h f, x ::= e) (St s[x ~-> exp_val s e] h f, Skip)
| Step_read :
forall s h f x e n v,
exp_val s e = Z_of_nat n -> mapsto h n v ->
step (St s h f, x ::= [[e]]) (St s[x ~-> v] h f, Skip)
| Step_write :
forall s h f e e' n,
exp_val s e = Z_of_nat n -> haskey h n ->
step (St s h f, [[e]] ::= e') (St s h[n ~~> exp_val s e'] f, Skip)
| Step_cons :
forall s h f x es n,
(forall i : nat, i < length es -> in_fl f (n+i)) ->
step (St s h f, Cons x es) (St s[x ~-> Z_of_nat n] h[n ~~~> map (exp_val s) es] (del_fl f n (length es)), Skip)
| Step_free :
forall s h f e n,
exp_val s e = Z_of_nat n -> haskey h n ->
step (St s h f, Free e) (St s (del h n) (add_fl f n 1), Skip)
| Step_seq :
forall st st' C C' C'',
step (st, C) (st', C') -> step (st, C;;C'') (st', C';;C'')
| Step_if_true :
forall st b C1 C2,
bexp_val (Store st) b = true -> step (st, if_ b then C1 else C2) (st, C1)
| Step_if_false :
forall st b C1 C2,
bexp_val (Store st) b = false -> step (st, if_ b then C1 else C2) (st, C2)
| Step_while_true :
forall st b C',
bexp_val (Store st) b = true -> step (st, while b do C') (st, C' ;; while b do C')
| Step_while_false :
forall st b C',
bexp_val (Store st) b = false -> step (st, while b do C') (st, Skip).
Inductive stepn : nat -> config -> config -> Prop :=
| Stepn_zero : forall cf, stepn O cf cf
| Stepn_succ : forall n cf cf' cf'', step cf cf' -> stepn n cf' cf'' -> stepn (S n) cf cf''.
Definition multi_step cf cf' := exists n, stepn n cf cf'.
Definition halt_config (cf : config) := snd cf = Skip.
Definition safe (cf : config) := forall cf', multi_step cf cf' -> ~ halt_config cf' -> exists cf'', step cf' cf''.
Definition diverges (cf : config) := forall n, exists cf', stepn n cf cf'.
Lemma safe_step : forall cf, safe cf -> ~ halt_config cf -> exists cf', step cf cf'.
Lemma safe_step_safe : forall cf cf', safe cf -> step cf cf' -> safe cf'.
Lemma safe_stepn_safe : forall n cf cf', safe cf -> stepn n cf cf' -> safe cf'.
Lemma safe_multi_step_safe : forall cf cf', safe cf -> multi_step cf cf' -> safe cf'.
Lemma stepn_seq : forall n st st' C C' C'', stepn n (st,C) (st',C') -> stepn n (st, C;;C'') (st', C';;C'').
Lemma multi_step_seq : forall st st' C C' C'', multi_step (st,C) (st',C') -> multi_step (st, C;;C'') (st', C';;C'').
Lemma safe_seq : forall st C C', safe (st, C ;; C') -> safe (st, C).
Definition wd (st : state) := let (_,h,f) := st in disjhf h f.
Lemma wd_step : forall C C' st st', step (st,C) (st',C') -> wd st -> wd st'.
Lemma wd_stepn : forall n C C' st st', stepn n (st,C) (st',C') -> wd st -> wd st'.
Lemma wd_multi_step : forall C C' st st', multi_step (st,C) (st',C') -> wd st -> wd st'.
Lemma wd_step : forall C C' st st', step (st,C) (st',C') -> wd st -> wd st'.
Lemma wd_stepn : forall n C C' st st', stepn n (st,C) (st',C') -> wd st -> wd st'.
Lemma wd_multi_step : forall C C' st st', multi_step (st,C) (st',C') -> wd st -> wd st'.
Major Theorems: Forwards and Backwards Frame Properties, Safety Monotonicity, and Termination Equivalence
Lemma forwards_frame_property_step :
forall C C' s h0 f s' h0' f' h1,
step (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C') -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f ->
h0' # h1 /\ step (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h0'@h1 f', C').
Theorem 2.1 from paper
Theorem forwards_frame_property :
forall n C C' s h0 f s' h0' f' h1,
stepn n (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C') -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f ->
h0' # h1 /\ stepn n (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h0'@h1 f', C').
Lemma forwards_frame_property_multi_step :
forall C C' s h0 f s' h0' f' h1,
multi_step (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C') -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f ->
h0' # h1 /\ multi_step (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h0'@h1 f', C').
Lemma backwards_frame_property_step :
forall C C' s h0 f s' f' h1 h',
h0 # h1 -> step (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> wd (St s h0@h1 f) -> safe (St s h0 f, C) ->
exists h0', h0' # h1 /\ h' = h0'@h1 /\ step (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C').
forall n C C' s h0 f s' h0' f' h1,
stepn n (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C') -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f ->
h0' # h1 /\ stepn n (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h0'@h1 f', C').
Lemma forwards_frame_property_multi_step :
forall C C' s h0 f s' h0' f' h1,
multi_step (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C') -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f ->
h0' # h1 /\ multi_step (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h0'@h1 f', C').
Lemma backwards_frame_property_step :
forall C C' s h0 f s' f' h1 h',
h0 # h1 -> step (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> wd (St s h0@h1 f) -> safe (St s h0 f, C) ->
exists h0', h0' # h1 /\ h' = h0'@h1 /\ step (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C').
Theorem 2.2 from paper
Theorem backwards_frame_property :
forall n C C' s h0 f s' f' h1 h',
h0 # h1 -> stepn n (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> wd (St s h0@h1 f) -> safe (St s h0 f, C) ->
exists h0', h0' # h1 /\ h' = h0'@h1 /\ stepn n (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C').
Lemma backwards_frame_property_multi_step :
forall C C' s h0 f s' f' h1 h',
h0 # h1 -> multi_step (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> wd (St s h0@h1 f) -> safe (St s h0 f, C) ->
exists h0', h0' # h1 /\ h' = h0'@h1 /\ multi_step (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C').
forall n C C' s h0 f s' f' h1 h',
h0 # h1 -> stepn n (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> wd (St s h0@h1 f) -> safe (St s h0 f, C) ->
exists h0', h0' # h1 /\ h' = h0'@h1 /\ stepn n (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C').
Lemma backwards_frame_property_multi_step :
forall C C' s h0 f s' f' h1 h',
h0 # h1 -> multi_step (St s h0@h1 f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> wd (St s h0@h1 f) -> safe (St s h0 f, C) ->
exists h0', h0' # h1 /\ h' = h0'@h1 /\ multi_step (St s h0 f, C) (St s' h0' f', C').
Lemma 3 from paper
Theorem safety_monotonicity :
forall C s f h0 h1,
safe (St s h0 f, C) -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f -> safe (St s h0@h1 f, C).
forall C s f h0 h1,
safe (St s h0 f, C) -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f -> safe (St s h0@h1 f, C).
Lemma 4 from paper
Theorem termination_equivalence :
forall C s f h0 h1,
safe (St s h0 f, C) -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f ->
(diverges (St s h0 f, C) <-> diverges (St s h0@h1 f, C)).
forall C s f h0 h1,
safe (St s h0 f, C) -> wd (St s h0 f) -> h0 # h1 -> disjhf h1 f ->
(diverges (St s h0 f, C) <-> diverges (St s h0@h1 f, C)).
Inductive state_sl := St_sl : store -> heap -> state_sl.
Definition Store_sl (st : state_sl) := let (s,_) := st in s.
Definition Heap_sl (st : state_sl) := let (_,h) := st in h.
Definition config_sl := prod state_sl cmd.
Inductive step_sl : config_sl -> config_sl -> Prop :=
| Step_sl_skip :
forall st C,
step_sl (st, Skip ;; C) (st, C)
| Step_sl_assgn :
forall s h x e,
step_sl (St_sl s h, x ::= e) (St_sl s[x ~-> exp_val s e] h, Skip)
| Step_sl_read :
forall s h x e n v,
exp_val s e = Z_of_nat n -> mapsto h n v ->
step_sl (St_sl s h, x ::= [[e]]) (St_sl s[x ~-> v] h, Skip)
| Step_sl_write :
forall s h e e' n,
exp_val s e = Z_of_nat n -> haskey h n ->
step_sl (St_sl s h, [[e]] ::= e') (St_sl s h[n ~~> exp_val s e'], Skip)
| Step_sl_cons :
forall s h x es n,
(forall i : nat, i < length es -> ~ haskey h (n+i)) ->
step_sl (St_sl s h, Cons x es) (St_sl s[x ~-> Z_of_nat n] h[n ~~~> map (exp_val s) es], Skip)
| Step_sl_free :
forall s h e n,
exp_val s e = Z_of_nat n -> haskey h n ->
step_sl (St_sl s h, Free e) (St_sl s (del h n), Skip)
| Step_sl_seq :
forall st st' C C' C'',
step_sl (st, C) (st', C') -> step_sl (st, C;;C'') (st', C';;C'')
| Step_sl_if_true :
forall st b C1 C2,
bexp_val (Store_sl st) b = true -> step_sl (st, if_ b then C1 else C2) (st, C1)
| Step_sl_if_false :
forall st b C1 C2,
bexp_val (Store_sl st) b = false -> step_sl (st, if_ b then C1 else C2) (st, C2)
| Step_sl_while_true :
forall st b C',
bexp_val (Store_sl st) b = true -> step_sl (st, while b do C') (st, C' ;; while b do C')
| Step_sl_while_false :
forall st b C',
bexp_val (Store_sl st) b = false -> step_sl (st, while b do C') (st, Skip).
Inductive stepn_sl : nat -> config_sl -> config_sl -> Prop :=
| Stepn_sl_zero : forall cf, stepn_sl O cf cf
| Stepn_sl_succ : forall n cf cf' cf'', step_sl cf cf' -> stepn_sl n cf' cf'' -> stepn_sl (S n) cf cf''.
Definition multi_step_sl cf cf' := exists n, stepn_sl n cf cf'.
Definition halt_config_sl (cf : config_sl) := snd cf = Skip.
Definition safe_sl (cf : config_sl) := forall cf', multi_step_sl cf cf' -> ~ halt_config_sl cf' -> exists cf'', step_sl cf' cf''.
Definition diverges_sl (cf : config_sl) := forall n, exists cf', stepn_sl n cf cf'.
Bisimulation between stepn and stepn_sl
Fixpoint remove_dup (f : freelist) : freelist :=
match f with
| [] => []
| n::f => if in_fl_dec f n then n :: remove_dup f else remove_dup f
Definition exclude (h : heap) : freelist := remove_dup (map (fst (B:=val)) h).
Lemma in_dec : forall (f : freelist) n, {In n f} + {~ In n f}.
Lemma remove_dup_in : forall f n, In n (remove_dup f) <-> In n f.
Lemma haskey_in_fst : forall (h : heap) n, In n (map (fst (B:=val)) h) <-> haskey h n.
Lemma haskey_exclude : forall h n, ~ in_fl (exclude h) n <-> haskey h n.
Lemma exclude_write : forall h n v, haskey h n -> exclude h[n~~>v] = exclude h.
Lemma exclude_cons_help : forall h n v, ~ haskey h n -> exclude h[n~~>v] = n :: exclude h.
Lemma exclude_cons : forall vs h n,
(forall i, i < length vs -> ~ haskey h (n+i)) -> exclude h[n~~~>vs] = del_fl (exclude h) n (length vs).
Lemma exclude_free : forall h n, exclude (del h n) = add_fl (exclude h) n 1.
Lemma exclude_wd : forall s h, wd (St s h (exclude h)).
Lemma step_bisim_forwards :
forall C C' s h s' h',
step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> step (St s h (exclude h), C) (St s' h' (exclude h'), C').
Lemma stepn_bisim_forwards :
forall n C C' s h s' h',
stepn_sl n (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> stepn n (St s h (exclude h), C) (St s' h' (exclude h'), C').
Lemma multi_step_bisim_forwards :
forall C C' s h s' h',
multi_step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> multi_step (St s h (exclude h), C) (St s' h' (exclude h'), C').
Lemma step_bisim_backwards :
forall C C' s h f s' h' f', wd (St s h f) ->
step (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C').
Lemma stepn_bisim_backwards :
forall n C C' s h f s' h' f', wd (St s h f) ->
stepn n (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> stepn_sl n (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C').
Lemma multi_step_bisim_backwards :
forall C C' s h f s' h' f', wd (St s h f) ->
multi_step (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> multi_step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C').
Lemma stepn_bisim :
forall n C C' s h s' h',
stepn_sl n (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') <-> exists f, exists f', wd (St s h f) /\ stepn n (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C').
match f with
| [] => []
| n::f => if in_fl_dec f n then n :: remove_dup f else remove_dup f
Definition exclude (h : heap) : freelist := remove_dup (map (fst (B:=val)) h).
Lemma in_dec : forall (f : freelist) n, {In n f} + {~ In n f}.
Lemma remove_dup_in : forall f n, In n (remove_dup f) <-> In n f.
Lemma haskey_in_fst : forall (h : heap) n, In n (map (fst (B:=val)) h) <-> haskey h n.
Lemma haskey_exclude : forall h n, ~ in_fl (exclude h) n <-> haskey h n.
Lemma exclude_write : forall h n v, haskey h n -> exclude h[n~~>v] = exclude h.
Lemma exclude_cons_help : forall h n v, ~ haskey h n -> exclude h[n~~>v] = n :: exclude h.
Lemma exclude_cons : forall vs h n,
(forall i, i < length vs -> ~ haskey h (n+i)) -> exclude h[n~~~>vs] = del_fl (exclude h) n (length vs).
Lemma exclude_free : forall h n, exclude (del h n) = add_fl (exclude h) n 1.
Lemma exclude_wd : forall s h, wd (St s h (exclude h)).
Lemma step_bisim_forwards :
forall C C' s h s' h',
step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> step (St s h (exclude h), C) (St s' h' (exclude h'), C').
Lemma stepn_bisim_forwards :
forall n C C' s h s' h',
stepn_sl n (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> stepn n (St s h (exclude h), C) (St s' h' (exclude h'), C').
Lemma multi_step_bisim_forwards :
forall C C' s h s' h',
multi_step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> multi_step (St s h (exclude h), C) (St s' h' (exclude h'), C').
Lemma step_bisim_backwards :
forall C C' s h f s' h' f', wd (St s h f) ->
step (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C').
Lemma stepn_bisim_backwards :
forall n C C' s h f s' h' f', wd (St s h f) ->
stepn n (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> stepn_sl n (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C').
Lemma multi_step_bisim_backwards :
forall C C' s h f s' h' f', wd (St s h f) ->
multi_step (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C') -> multi_step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C').
Lemma stepn_bisim :
forall n C C' s h s' h',
stepn_sl n (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') <-> exists f, exists f', wd (St s h f) /\ stepn n (St s h f, C) (St s' h' f', C').
Lemma 2 from paper
Lemma step_all_freelists :
forall C C' s h s' h' f,
step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> exists st, step (St s h f, C) (st, C').
forall C C' s h s' h' f,
step_sl (St_sl s h, C) (St_sl s' h', C') -> exists st, step (St s h f, C) (st, C').
Definition assert := store -> heap -> Prop.
Definition sat (p : assert) (st : state) := let (s,h,f) := st in p s h /\ wd (St s h f).
Definition sat_sl (p : assert) (st : state_sl) := let (s,h) := st in p s h.
Inductive triple := Trip : assert -> cmd -> assert -> triple.
Definition Pre (t : triple) := let (p,_,_) := t in p.
Definition Cmd (t : triple) := let (_,C,_) := t in C.
Definition Post (t : triple) := let (_,_,q) := t in q.
Definition sat (p : assert) (st : state) := let (s,h,f) := st in p s h /\ wd (St s h f).
Definition sat_sl (p : assert) (st : state_sl) := let (s,h) := st in p s h.
Inductive triple := Trip : assert -> cmd -> assert -> triple.
Definition Pre (t : triple) := let (p,_,_) := t in p.
Definition Cmd (t : triple) := let (_,C,_) := t in C.
Definition Post (t : triple) := let (_,_,q) := t in q.
Derivability is the same in both logics
Parameter derivable : triple -> Prop.
Definition safe_triple (t : triple) := forall st, sat (Pre t) st -> safe (st, Cmd t).
Definition correct_triple (t : triple) :=
forall st st', sat (Pre t) st -> multi_step (st, Cmd t) (st', Skip) -> sat (Post t) st'.
Definition valid t := safe_triple t /\ correct_triple t.
Definition safe_triple_sl (t : triple) := forall st, sat_sl (Pre t) st -> safe_sl (st, Cmd t).
Definition correct_triple_sl (t : triple) :=
forall st st', sat_sl (Pre t) st -> multi_step_sl (st, Cmd t) (st', Skip) -> sat_sl (Post t) st'.
Definition valid_sl t := safe_triple_sl t /\ correct_triple_sl t.
Definition safe_triple (t : triple) := forall st, sat (Pre t) st -> safe (st, Cmd t).
Definition correct_triple (t : triple) :=
forall st st', sat (Pre t) st -> multi_step (st, Cmd t) (st', Skip) -> sat (Post t) st'.
Definition valid t := safe_triple t /\ correct_triple t.
Definition safe_triple_sl (t : triple) := forall st, sat_sl (Pre t) st -> safe_sl (st, Cmd t).
Definition correct_triple_sl (t : triple) :=
forall st st', sat_sl (Pre t) st -> multi_step_sl (st, Cmd t) (st', Skip) -> sat_sl (Post t) st'.
Definition valid_sl t := safe_triple_sl t /\ correct_triple_sl t.
Soundness and completeness proofs
Axiom soundness_and_completeness_sl : forall t, derivable t <-> valid_sl t.
Theorem 1 from the paper
Theorem soundness_and_completeness : forall t, derivable t <-> valid t.