The Senior Class Advisor assists the DUS by providing advice and signing schedules for seniors in the Computer Science, Computer Science and Mathematics, Computer Science and Psychology, and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science majors, as well as providing oversight for CPSC 480 and CPSC 490 projects.
1. Information about academic programs and classes
CPSC 490 Special Projects. Includes descriptions of past projects.
2. Dates
3. General resources
The Yale College Dean's Office has pointers to just about anything you might want to know about undergraduate academics at Yale (including the online versions of all the Yale College publications).
The Yale Computer Science Department home page has pointers to resources more specific to Computer Science.
DSAC maintains a web page providing documentation for the Zoo, the Computer Science Department's undergraduate computing laboratory.
4. Career planning resources
Phil Agre's Advice for undergraduates considering graduate school (mostly about PhD programs).
Mor Harchol-Balter's Applying to Ph.D. Programs in Computer Science (PDF).