This is the web page for CS 469/569: Randomized Algorithms for the Spring 2009 semester. Here you can find pointers to various resources for students taking the course. You should check this page periodically for new announcements.
1. Final exam
The final exam was given Monday, 2009-05-11, starting at 2:00pm in AKW 500. It was a closed-book test covering all material discussed during the semester. final-2009.pdf, final-2009-solutions.pdf
2. Announcements
- 2009-05-11
Graded final exams are available outside AKW 401. Grades for the final and the semester are available in Grade-o-Matic. Thank you all for your hard work in the course!
- 2009-05-08
/Assignments/HW06/Solutions are now available.
- 2009-04-19
/Assignments/HW05/Solutions are now available.
- 2009-04-17
/Assignments/HW04/Solutions are now available.
- 2009-03-31
/Assignments/HW06 is now available. See /Assignments for updated due date.
- 2009-04-07
/Assignments/HW03/Solutions is now available.
- 2009-03-31
/Assignments/HW05 is now available.
- 2009-03-02
Lecture today will happen as usual despite the weather.
- 2009-02-28
/Assignments/HW04 is now available.
- 2009-02-24
/Assignments/HW02/Solutions is now available.
- 2009-02-13
/Assignments/HW03 is now available.
- 2009-02-11
/Assignments/HW01/Solutions are now available
- 2009-02-03
/Assignments/HW02 is now available.
- 2009-01-15
/Assignments/HW01 is now available. See the /Assignments page for due dates.
- 2009-01-12
Adam Marcus is teaching a course on the probabilistic method that meets MW 10:30–11:20 in AKW 500; this course might make a nice complement (or alternative) to 469/569. See for more details.
- 2009-01-09
Please note that the lecture schedule has several oddities in January, as a result both of Yale College's complex calendar and some travel by the instructor. See the /Schedule page or the calendar on the main course page for details.
3. Resources
/Schedule: list of lectures and events. Includes reading assignments and pointers to lecture notes.
/Assignments: list of homeworks and exams.
/Notes: notes on various topics relevant to the course.
/ReservedBooks: books on reserve at the EngineeringAndAppliedSciencesLibrary.
4. Staff
Jim Aspnes (<>, JamesAspnes). Phone: 432-1232. Office: AKW 401. See calendar below for open office hours. You can also send me email to make an appointment.
Teaching Fellow
Nicholas Ruozzi (<>). Office: AKW 202. Office hours: Tuesday 3:30pm-4:30pm or by appointment.
5. Calendar
For details of what topics are covered in each lecture, see /Schedule.
6. Questions and comments
Please feel free to send questions or comments on the class or anything connected to it to <>.