We'll be using a slightly modified version of the list from 2004:
General Reading (Highly Recommended For Any Computer Science Major) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jon Bentley, "More Programming Pearls: Confessions of a Coder", Addison-Wesley [QA76.6 B452 1988] Jon Bentley, "Programming Pearls", 2nd edition, Addison-Wesley [QA76.6 B454X 2000] Jon Bentley, "Programming Pearls", Addison-Wesley [QA76.6 B453 1986] Jon Bentley, "Writing Efficient Programs", Prentice-Hall [QA76.6 B455 1982] *Brian W. Kernighan and Rob Pike, "The Practice of Programming", Addison-Wesley [QA76.6 K48X 1999] Brian W. Kernighan and P. J. Plauger, "The Elements of Programming Style", 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill [QA76.6 K47 1978] Steve Maguire, "Writing Solid Code: Microsoft's Techniques for Developing Bug-free C Programs", Microsoft Press [QA76.73 C15 M335X 1993] Programming in C ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Peter A. Darnell and Philip E. Margolis, "C, A Software Engineering Approach", 3rd edition, Springer [QA76.758 D37X 1996] Samuel P. Harbison and Guy L. Steele, Jr., "C, A Reference Manual", 5th edition, Prentice-Hall [QA76.73 C15 H38 2002] Allen I. Holub, "Enough Rope to Shoot Yourself in the Foot: Rules for C and C++ Programming", McGraw-Hill [QA76.73 C153 H625X 1995] Al Kelley and Ira Pohl, "A Book on C: Programming in C", 4th edition, Benjamin Cummings [QA76.73 C15 K44X 1998] *Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1988 Andrew Koenig, "C Traps and Pitfalls", Addison-Wesley [QA76.73 C15 K66X 1989] Lawrence H. Miller and Alexander E. Quilici, "The Joy of C", 3rd edition, Wiley [QA76.73 C15 M54X 1997] Steve Oualline, "Practical C Programming", 3rd edition, O'Reilly & Associates [QA76.73 C15 084X 1997] David A. Spuler, "C++ and C Debugging, Testing, and Reliability: The Prevention, Detection, and Correction of Program Errors", Prentice-Hall. [QA76.73 C153 S698X 1994] Peter van der Linden, "Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets", SunSoft Press [QA76.73 C15 V356X 1994] Data Structures ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Adam Drozdek and Donald L. Simon, "Data Structures in C", PWS [QA76.73 C15 D76X 1995] Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, and Susan Anderson-Freed, "Fundamentals of Data Structures in C", Computer Science Press [QA76.73 C15 H6597X 1992] Edward M. Reingold and Wilfred J. Hansen, "Data Structures in Pascal", Little, Brown [QA76.9 D35 R443 1986] Robert Sedgewick, "Algorithms in C", 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley [QA76.73 C15 S43X 1998] Christopher J. Van Wyk, "Data Structures and C Programs", Addison-Wesley [QA76.73 C15 V36 1990] Mark Allen Weiss, "Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C", 2nd edition, Benjamin Cummings [QA76.73 C15 W463X 1997] Geoff Whale, "Data Structures and Abstraction Using C", PWS [QA76.73 C15 W468X 1996] Other Books ~~~~~~~~~~~ Graham Glass and King Ables, "UNIX for Programmers and Users", 3nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 2003 [QA76.76 O63 G583 2003] Graham Glass and King Ables, "UNIX for Programmers and Users", 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall, 1999 [QA76.76 O63 G583X 1999] Graham Glass, "UNIX for Programmers and Users", Prentice-Hall, 1993 [QA76.76 O63 G583X 1993] Dennie Van Tassel, "Program Style, Design, Efficiency, Debugging, and Testing", 2nd edition, Prentice-Hall [QA76.6 V37 1978]