1. Longest pronounceable subsequence
Let us define the longest pronounceable subsequence of a string of characters is the longest subsequence obtained by deleting zero or more characters from the original string, in which each pair of consecutive characters appear in a dictionary of pronounceable digrams. This is not a perfect model of pronounceability, but it almost works as a heuristic for languages like English.
For example, if the dictionary contains the strings AA and AB, then the strings AAA and AAB are both longest pronounceable subsequences of ACABA.
2. Your task
Your task is to write a program that extracts the longest pronounceable subsequence from its input, if it is unique. If there is more than one sequence of the same maximum length, your program should print instead the number of such sequences, formatted as with printf("%d\n", count). The dictionary of acceptable digrams is provided in a file whose name is given in argv[1], and the input sequence is just all of the characters supplied on stdin, terminated by end-of-file. Your program should compute some longest pronounceable subsequence and write it to stdout. You may assume that the input does not contain any null characters.
3. Dictionary format
The dictionary file is a sequence of 2n characters, where n is the number of digrams in the dictionary. It is terminated by end-of-file. The first digram consists of the first two characters, the second of the second two characters, and so forth. Note that spaces, tabs, newlines, and other non-printing characters may appear as part of a digram; this is necessary to allow the longest pronounceable subsequence to contain such characters.
Here are some sample dictionaries to work with:
The first is a very small dictionary for testing. The second consists of all pairs of adjacent characters from the Project Gutenberg edition of Moby Dick, after removing carriage-return characters.
4. Test cases
The longest pronounceable subsequence of abracadabra using simple.dict is abaaaba. There are two longest pronounceable subsequences of aca (aa and ac) using simple.dict. The file napoleon.1000 contains a quotation from a famous general, which can be extracted by searching for the longest pronounceable subsequence using moby.dict. More test cases will be provided in /c/cs223/Hwk7 on the Zoo.
5. Submitting your assignment
You may either submit a single file lps.c, or multiple files together with a file Makefile that will produce an executable file lps when called with make lps.
6. Hints
If your program is to terminate in a reasonable amount of time for large inputs, it will almost certainly have to use some form of DynamicProgramming.
You will need some sort of data structure that permits fast testing of digrams for membership in the dictionary. If you use any sort of structure that uses character values as array indices, you should probably use unsigned char for your character type to avoid the possibility of negative values.
The number of distinct longest pronounceable subsequences for particularly long inputs may exceed the value that can be stored in an int. Your program is not required to detect such overflow; instead, you may assume that any input it is given will have a small number of distinct longest pronounceable subsequences.
When counting longest pronounceable subsequences, two subsequences count as different if they use characters at different positions, even if the characters at those positions are the same. For example, using simple.dict, the string acc has two longest pronounceable subsequences: one uses the a and the first c, and the other uses the a and the second c. Your program should print 2 in this case, even though both longest pronounceable subsequences look like ac.
7. Sample solution
1 /* compute the longest pronounceable subsequence of the input */
2 /* Pronounceability is defined by the rule that a sequence is
3 * pronounceable if and only if every group of 3 consecutive
4 * characters appears in a dictionary of permitted trigrams,
5 * which is supplied in a file whose name is given by argv[1]. */
7 #include <stdio.h>
8 #include <stdlib.h>
9 #include <assert.h>
10 #include <string.h>
12 #define NUM_CHARS (256)
14 typedef char Dict[NUM_CHARS][NUM_CHARS];
16 /* read the dictionary from f */
17 /* dict[i][j][k] = 0 if ijk does not appear in dictionary */
18 /* dict[i][j][k] = 1 if ijk does appear in dictionary */
19 static void
20 read_dictionary(FILE *f, Dict dict)
21 {
22 int i;
23 int j;
25 for(i = 0; i < NUM_CHARS; i++) {
26 for(j = 0; j < NUM_CHARS; j++) {
27 dict[i][j] = 0;
28 }
29 }
31 while((i = getc(f)) != EOF
32 && (j = getc(f)) != EOF) {
33 dict[i][j] = 1;
34 }
35 }
37 /* return a null-terminated string containing entire contents of f */
38 static char *
39 read_all(FILE *f)
40 {
41 char *buf;
42 size_t len;
43 size_t size;
44 int c;
46 size = 1;
47 buf = malloc(size);
48 if(buf == 0) return 0;
49 len = 0;
51 while((c = getc(f)) != EOF) {
52 while(len + 2 >= size) {
53 size *= 2;
54 buf = realloc(buf, size);
55 if(buf == 0) return 0;
56 }
57 buf[len++] = c;
58 }
60 buf[len++] = '\0';
62 buf = realloc(buf, len);
63 return buf;
64 }
66 /* compute and return an lps of input */
67 /* return value is a freshly-malloced null-terminated string */
68 /* returns count of all LPSs in *count (no overflow protection!) */
69 static char *
70 longest_pronounceable_subsequence(const char *input, Dict dict, int *count)
71 {
72 const unsigned char *in; /* unsigned version of input */
73 char *out;
74 int n;
75 int i; /* last character */
76 int i2; /* second-to-last character */
77 int best; /* best table entry */
78 int best_length; /* best length */
79 int scan; /* for reconstructing LPS */
81 /* table[i][c] describes the LPS ending at i whose second-to-last
82 * character is c, or just one character by itself */
83 struct {
84 int length; /* length of LPS ending here */
85 int count; /* number of distinct LPSs of this length */
86 int i2; /* index of second-to-last character in some such sequence */
87 } *table;
89 n = strlen(input);
91 if(n == 0) {
92 /* unique LPS is the empty string */
93 *count = 1;
94 out = malloc(1);
95 out[0] = '\0';
96 return out;
97 }
99 in = (const unsigned char *) input;
101 table = malloc(sizeof(*table) * n);
102 assert(table != 0);
104 for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
105 /* we are always allowed to do a singleton */
106 table[i].length = 1;
107 table[i].count = 1;
108 table[i].i2 = n; /* junk value */
110 /* try all possible second-to-last characters */
111 for(i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) {
112 if(dict[in[i2]][in[i]]) {
113 /* possible candidate */
114 if(table[i2].length + 1 > table[i].length) {
115 /* unique so far */
116 table[i].length = table[i2].length + 1;
117 table[i].count = table[i2].count;
118 table[i].i2 = i2;
119 } else if(table[i2].length + 1 == table[i].length) {
120 /* add to count */
121 table[i].count += table[i2].count;
122 }
123 }
124 }
126 assert(table[i].length >= 1);
127 assert(table[i].count > 0);
128 }
130 /* now find the best entry */
131 best = 0;
132 *count = table[0].count;
133 for(i = 1; i < n; i++) {
134 if(table[i].length > table[best].length) {
135 best = i;
136 *count = table[i].count; /* reset count */
137 } else if(table[i].length == table[best].length) {
138 *count += table[i].count;
139 }
140 }
142 /* now we have to construct the output */
143 best_length = table[best].length;
144 out = malloc(best_length + 1); /* extra 1 for nul */
146 out[best_length] = '\0';
148 scan = best;
149 for(i = 0; i < best_length; i++) {
150 assert(scan >= 0);
151 assert(scan < n);
153 out[best_length - i - 1] = input[scan];
154 scan = table[scan].i2;
155 }
157 free(table);
159 return out;
160 }
162 int
163 main(int argc, char **argv)
164 {
165 char *input;
166 char *output;
167 Dict dict;
168 FILE *f;
169 int count;
171 assert(argc > 1);
173 f = fopen(argv[1], "r");
174 assert(f);
176 read_dictionary(f, dict);
178 fclose(f);
180 input = read_all(stdin);
182 output = longest_pronounceable_subsequence(input, dict, &count);
184 if(count > 1) {
185 printf("%d\n", count);
186 } else {
187 fputs(output, stdout);
188 }
190 free(input);
191 free(output);
193 return 0;
194 }