- 2005-10-21
The proof of Hall's Theorem in class today evaporated when I forgot how to extract an augmenting path from the sequence of nodes found by applying Hall's condition starting from an unmatched node. See BipartiteGraphs for a working proof or CS202/Schedule/2005-10-21 for an explanation of the missing piece.
- 2005-10-20
CS202/Assignments/HW06 has been clarified: the partial order in problem 2 is now explicitly a strict partial order (see Relations for the distinction between an ordinary partial order and a strict partial order).
- 2005-10-19
- TA hours slightly changed.
- 2005-10-18
CS202/Assignments/HW06 is available.
- 2005-10-14
- Mean assignment grades are available below.
- 2005-10-14
Grades for CS202/Assignments/HW04 are available in grade-o-matic. Graded homeworks are available outside AKW 401.
- 2005-10-13
- 2005-09-29
Solutions to CS202/Assignments/HW03 are now available.
- 2005-09-25
CS202/Assignments/HW04 is available.
- 2005-09-22
Solutions to CS202/Assignments/HW02 are now available.
- 2005-09-20
CS202/Assignments/HW03 is available.
- 2005-09-18
Grades for CS202/Assignments/HW01 are now available in Grade-o-Matic. Anyone for whom we have a working email address should have received an email giving their Grade-o-Matic login and password. (Some of you may have received as many as three such emails, for which we apologize. The password-mailing script required some last-minute debugging.) Graded assignments will be returned in class on Monday, or you can pick them up thereafter outside AKW 401.
- 2005-09-18
- TA hours for Thursday changed (now 4:30-6:30 PM).
- 2005-09-15
Solutions to CS202/Assignments/HW01 are available.
- 2005-09-13
CS202/Assignments/HW02 is available.
- 2005-08-31
Due to an error in the previous version, the first problem on CS202/Assignments/HW01 has changed. You are now asked to prove or disprove the logical equivalence. We apologize for the error.
- 2005-08-31
- By popular request, assignments are now due at 11:00pm.
- 2005-08-31
CS202/Assignments/HW01 is available.