1. Machine memory
Basic model: machine memory consists of many bytes of storage, each of which has an address which is itself a sequence of bits. Though the actual memory architecture of a modern computer is complex, from the point of view of a C program we can think of as simply a large address space that the CPU can store things in (and load things from), provided it can supply an address to the memory. Because we don't want to have to type long strings of bits all the time, the C compiler lets us give names to particular regions of the address space, and will even find free space for us to use.
2. Variables
A variable is a name given in a program for some region of memory. Each variable has a type, which tells the compiler how big the region of memory corresponding to it is and how to treat the bits stored in that region when performing various kinds of operations (e.g. integer variables are added together by very different circuitry than floating-point variables, even though both represent numbers as bits). In modern programming languages, a variable also has a scope (a limit on where the name is meaningful, which allows the same name to be used for different variables in different parts of the program) and an extent (the duration of the variable's existence, controlling when the program allocates and deallocates space for it).
2.1. Variable declarations
Before you can use a variable in C, you must declare it. Variable declarations show up in three places:
Outside a function. These declarations declare global variables that are visible throughout the program (i.e. they have global scope). Use of global variables is almost always a mistake.
In the argument list in the header of a function. These variables are parameters to the function. They are only visible inside the function body (local scope), exist only from when the function is called to when the function returns (bounded extent—note that this is different from what happens in some garbage-collected languages like Scheme), and get their initial values from the arguments to the function when it is called.
At the start of any block delimited by curly braces. Such variables are visible only within the block (local scope again) and exist only when the containing function is active (bounded extent). The convention in C is has generally been to declare all such local variables at the top of a function; this is different from the convention in C++ or Java, which encourage variables to be declared when they are first used. This convention may be less strong in C99 code, since C99 adopts the C++ rule of allowing variables to be declared anywhere (which can be particularly useful for index variables in for loops).
Variable declarations consist of a type name followed by one or more variable names separated by commas and terminated by a semicolon (except in argument lists, where each declaration is terminated by a comma). I personally find it easiest to declare variables one per line, to simplify documenting them. It is also possible for global and local variables (but not function arguments) to assign an initial value to a variable by putting in something like = 0 after the variable name. It is good practice to put a comment after each variable declaration that explains what the variable does (with a possible exception for conventionally-named loop variables like i or j in short functions). Below is an example of a program with some variable declarations in it:
1 #include <stdio.h>
2 #include <ctype.h>
4 /* This program counts the number of digits in its input. */
6 /*
7 *This global variable is not used; it is here only to demonstrate
8 * what a global variable declaration looks like.
9 */
10 unsigned long SpuriousGlobalVariable = 127;
12 int
13 main(int argc, char **argv)
14 {
15 int c; /* character read */
16 int count = 0; /* number of digits found */
18 while((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
19 if(isdigit(c)) {
20 count++;
21 }
22 }
24 printf("%d\n", count);
26 return 0;
27 }
2.2. Variable names
The evolution of variable names in different programming languages:
- 11101001001001
- Physical addresses represented as bits.
- #FC27
- Typical assembly language address represented in hexadecimal to save typing (and because it's easier for humans to distinguish #A7 from #B6 than to distinguish 10100111 from 10110110.)
- A1$
- A string variable in BASIC, back in the old days where BASIC variables were one uppercase letter, optionally followed by a number, optionally followed by $ for a string variable and % for an integer variable. These type tags were used because BASIC interpreters didn't have a mechanism for declaring variable types.
A typical FORTRAN variable name, back in the days of 6-character all-caps variable names. The I at the start means it's an integer variable. The rest of the letters probably abbreviate some much longer description of what the variable means. The default type based on the first letter was used because FORTRAN programmers were lazy, but it could be overridden by an explicit declaration.
- i, j, c, count, top_of_stack, accumulatedTimeInFlight
Typical names from modern C programs. There is no type information contained in the name; the type is specified in the declaration and remembered by the compiler elsewhere. Note that there are two different conventions for representing multi-word names: the first is to replace spaces with underscores, and the second is to capitalize the first letter of each word (possibly excluding the first letter), a style called "camel case" (CamelCase). You should pick one of these two conventions and stick to it.
- prgcGradeDatabase
An example of Hungarian notation, a style of variable naming in which the type of the variable is encoded in the first few character. The type is now back in the variable name again. This is not enforced by the compiler: even though iNumberOfStudents is supposed to be an int, there is nothing to prevent you from declaring float iNumberOfStudents if you expect to have fractional students for some reason. See http://web.umr.edu/~cpp/common/hungarian.html or HungarianNotation. Not clearly an improvement on standard naming conventions, but it is popular in some programming shops.
In C, variable names are called identifiers.1 An identifier in C must start with a lower or uppercase letter or the underscore character _. Typically variables starting with underscores are used internally by system libraries, so it's dangerous to name your own variables this way. Subsequent characters in an identifier can be letters, digits, or underscores. So for example a, ____a___a_a_11727_a, AlbertEinstein, aAaAaAaAaAAAAAa, and ______ are all legal identifiers in C, but $foo and 01 are not.
The basic principle of variable naming is that a variable name is a substitute for the programmer's memory. It is generally best to give identifiers names that are easy to read and describe what the variable is used for, i.e., that are self-documenting. None of the variable names in the preceding list are any good by this standard. Better names would be total_input_characters, dialedWrongNumber, or stepsRemaining. Non-descriptive single-character names are acceptable for certain conventional uses, such as the use of i and j for loop iteration variables, or c for an input character. Such names should only be used when the scope of the variable is small, so that it's easy to see all the places where it is used at once.
C identifiers are case-sensitive, so aardvark, AArDvARK, and AARDVARK are all different variables. Because it is hard to remember how you capitalized something before, it is important to pick a standard convention and stick to it. The traditional convention in C goes like this:
Ordinary variables and functions are lowercased or camel-cased, e.g. count, countOfInputBits.
User-defined types (and in some conventions global variables) are capitalized, e.g. Stack, TotalBytesAllocated.
Constants created with #define or enum are put in all-caps: MAXIMUM_STACK_SIZE, BUFFER_LIMIT.
3. Using variables
Ignoring pointers (C/Pointers) for the moment, there are essentially two things you can do to a variable: you can assign a value to it using the = operator, as in:
or you can use its value in an expression:
1 x = y+1; /* assign y+1 to x */
The assignment operator is an ordinary operator, and assignment expressions can be used in larger expressions:
x = (y=2)*3; /* sets y to 2 and x to 6 */
This feature is usually only used in certain standard idioms, since it's confusing otherwise.
There are also shorthand operators for expressions of the form variable = variable operator expression. For example, writing x += y is equivalent to writing x = x + y, x /= y is the same as x = x / y, etc.
For the special case of adding or subtracting 1, you can abbreviate still further with the ++ and -- operators. These come in two versions, depending on whether you want the result of the expression (if used in a larger expression) to be the value of the variable before or after the variable is incremented:
The intuition is that if the ++ comes before the variable, the increment happens before the value of the variable is read (a preincrement; if it comes after, it happens after the value is read (a postincrement). This is confusing enough that it is best not to use the value of preincrement or postincrement operations except in certain standard idioms. But using x++ by itself as a substitute for x = x+1 is perfectly acceptable style.
these are also used to identify things that are not variables like functions and user-defined types. (1)