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Theory of Computing
Theoretical research in Computer Science deals with fundamental
questions of computing such as ``What can be computed?'', ``How?'',
and ``How efficiently?''. Most of the problems studied in theoretical
computer science are closely related to technological developments.
For example, in the past, efficiency mainly meant minimizing
computational time and space. Currently, with the growing importance
of parallel machines and computer networks, communication costs and
processor utilization are also considered.
Following are some of the current topics of theoretical research:
- Theory of Distributed Systems:
The use of local area networks, telecommunications networks, and other
distributed computer systems has brought to the fore many technical
problems, not the least of which concern reliability and security of
computer networks. Theoretical methods play a major role here: they
enable one to distinguish among the efficiently solvable, the
inefficiently solvable, and the unsolvable. Related issues include
cryptography and the design and layout of efficient processor and
interconnection networks.
In addition, there are many algorithmic problems in distributing tasks
among processors, scheduling transmissions over networks, and moving
data among processors.
- Formal Reasoning about Distributed and Parallel Programs:
The increased popularity of distributed and parallel algorithms makes
formal reasoning about programs necessary. Some of the research in
this area is directed towards finding new and simple-to-use logics for
reasoning about programs (e.g. dynamic logic, temporal logic, and
logics of knowledge). Other research is directed towards applying
logics to construct formal methods for developing correct programs.
- Fault Diagnosis:
Under adverse conditions, many of the processors in a large-scale
distributed system or parallel machine may fail. Fault diagnosis is
the problem of determining, via interprocessor tests, which processors
are faulty so that they can then be isolated or repaired. Research
centers on developing efficient distributed and parallel algorithms
for fault diagnosis under various models of static and dynamic faults.
- Data Structures and Algorithms:
All areas of computer science depend on the development and analysis
of data structures and algorithms for abstract foundational problems
and topical applied problems. Active research topics include graph
coloring, competitive analysis of algorithms, randomized algorithms,
on-line algorithms (for set operations, graph problems, resource
allocation, and pattern matching), parallel and distributed algorithms
for DNA sequence analysis, discrete optimization (exact and heuristic
algorithms), and approximation algorithms (for enumeration and
integration and for discrete optimization).
- Computational Complexity:
Some of computer science's most difficult questions (such as P=NP?) involve
relationships among
complexity measures and modes of computation--most notably time,
space, determinism, and nondeterminism. Active research topics
include circuit complexity, lower bounds, probabilistic computation,
properties of complexity classes, relations among complexity classes,
and the value of information as a computational resource.
- Learning Theory:
Highly adaptive algorithms will likely require a substantial learning
component to deal with unforeseen conditions. Computational learning theory
is concerned with what computers can and cannot learn in a reasonable
amount of time. An active research topic is to understand how the
ability to ask questions increases the computer's learning ability.
Several examples of domains are known for which polynomial time
learning algorithms exist when queries are allowed, but these same
domains are apparently intractable without queries.
- Theoretical Robotics
An important goal in robotics is the creation of autonomous robots
that can navigate in unfamiliar environments. Ongoing research
involves the creation of good models for environments, sensors, and
sensor errors, and the design of algorithms that can map the
environment and navigate from point to point without getting lost.
Theoretical ideas can be tested on real robots in cooperation with
Yale's Vision and Robotics group.
Faculty members working in theory of computation are James Aspnes,
Michael Fischer, Ravi Kannan, Ming-Yang Kao, L'aszl'o Lov'asz,
and Lenore Zuck. Dana Angluin is a Senior Research Scientist.
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Yale Computer Science Department