Yale Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Seminar
and Other Talks of Interest

Talks from previous semesters

2004 Fall term grand opening: Monday SEPTEMBER 13

Monday, September 13, 2004, 4:30

Speaker: Thorsten Theobald

Title:Algebraic methods in computational geometry

Abstract: The aim of this talk is to exhibit some classes of problems from computational geometry which lead to fundamental problems from (real-)algebraic geometry. The initial problems include visibility computations with moving viewpoints in 3-space or the computation of smallest enclosing cylinders of polytopes. These problems lead to enumerative questions concerning the lines simultaneously tangent to given bodies. In particular, we discuss these problems for the case that the set of admissible bodies consist of balls and polytopes.

Monday, September 20, 2004, 4:30

Speaker: Michael Elkin (Yale)

Title (1 + a,b)$-Spanner Constructions for General Graphs

The topic of this seminar is how well a sparse subgraph $G' = (V,H)$ of an unweighted undirected graph $G = (V,E)$ may "approximate" the distances between nodes that are "far away" one from another in $G$. If one is interested in approximating all the distances by a subgraph, then there is a well-understood tradeoff between the sparsity of the subgraph and the quality of approximation. We show that under a somewhat relaxed requirement of approximating only the distances between pairs of nodes that are "far away" in $G$ (we mean that the distance between them is at least certain threshold that does not depend on the number of nodes in the graph) the sparsity of the subgraph and the quality of approximation can be made arbitrarily small simultaneously. The tradeoff that we present is between the sparsity of the subgraph and the quality of the approximation on the one hand, and the value of the threshold that we mentioned above on the other. The talk is based on a paper joint with David Peleg. The paper appeared in STOC 2001, and in SICOMP 2004.

Monday, September 27, 4:30 AKW (CS building) room 200

Van Vu (UCSD): Divide and Conquer Martingales and Distribution of random Polytopes

Let K be convex body with volume one in R^d. Choose n random points in K with respect to the uniform distribution. The convex hull of these points, denoted by K_n, is a random polytope.

The study of K_n was started by Renyi-Sulanke and Efron about 40 years ago. The goal of this study is to understand the distribution of the key functionals of K_n (such that its volume or its number of vertices).

The espectations of most functionals are known, but little has been achieved beyond this. For instance, there are very few results about higher moments. The main obstacle is that the geometric methods which are efficient for computing the expectation become very difficult to apply for other purposes.

In this talk, we are going to introduce a new method by which one can give fairly accurate estimates concerning the distributions of key functionals of K_n. This helps us to answer several open questions, including the one above about moments. The main tool of our method is the so-called "Divide and Conquer Martingale" technique, a refinement of Azuma's inequality.

Monday, October 4, 2004, 4:30 AKW 200:

Benny Sudakov (Princeton): Dependent random choice and Ramsey-Turan type problems

The Probabilistic Method is a powerful tool in tackling many problems in Combinatorics and it belongs to those areas of mathematical research that have experienced a most impressive growth in recent years. One of the parts of discrete mathematics where this approach has proved to be especially useful is Extremal Combinatorics. In fact, many of the strongest results in this area in the last few decades are examples of this method.

In this talk we discuss a few recent applications of this methodology. In particular, we present simple but yet surprisingly powerful probabilistic arguments which were used recently to make progress on some long-standing Ramsey and Tur\'an type problems.

Monday, October 11, 2004, 4:30 AKW 200:

Helene Barcelo (ASU): Hyperplanes arrangements

During the last 30 years, hyperplane arrangements have been the subject of a very active area of research in Combinatorics. In this talk we will not attempt the impossible task of giving a general survey of this discipline. Rather, we will present some selected results and techniques that we believe convey the depth and beauty of this subject.

Monday, October 18, 2004, 4:30 AKW 200

Dan Spielmen (Yale and MIT) Low-Stretch Spanning Trees

A low-stretch spanning tree T of a graph G is a spanning tree subgraph in which most edges of G can be routed with small dilation. In particular, the stretch of an edge of G in T is the length of the path in T connecting the endpoints of that edge. The average stretch is the average over edges in G of their stretch.
In an analysis of an algorithm for the k-server problem, Alon, Karp, Peleg and West showed that there exist spanning trees of average stretch 2^(O(sqrt(n)). We were motivated to improve their construction because this average-stretch is the dominant term in the complexity of a new solver for diagonally-dominant systems of equations.

We present a O(m log^2 n)-time algorithm that constructs trees of much lower average stretch: O(log^2 n).

The algorithm is simple, so the talk should be short.

Joint work with Michael Elkin and Shang-Hua Teng.

Monday, October 25, 2004

Santosh Vempala (MIT): How to Compute the Volume?

Computing the volume of a geometric body is an ancient, basic and surprisingly difficult task. Even for convex bodies in n-dimensional space, no polynomial-time deterministic algorithm can approximate the volume to within a factor that is exponential in n. On the other hand, Dyer, Frieze and Kannan showed that, using randomness, the volume can be approximated to arbitrary accuracy in polynomial time (the 23rd power of n). This remarkable result has been improved several times; each improvement has yielded new techniques for algorithm design and has contributed to classical fields such as geometry and probability. In this talk, we will discuss the history of the volume problem, illustrate its difficulty and describe the latest algorithm whose complexity grows as the 4th power of n. The key ingredients of the algorithm are: (1) a method for rapidly "morphing" one convex body into another and (2) a geometric random walk that "mixes" rapidly from any starting point inside a convex body (the only walk known to have this property).

Monday, November 1, 2004

Jon Kelner (MIT): Spectral partitioning, eigenvalue bounds, and circle packings for graphs of bounded genus

In this paper, we address two longstanding questions about finding good separators in graphs of bounded genus and degree:

1. It is a classical result of Gilbert, Hutchinson, and Tarjan that one can find asymptotically optimal separators on these graphs if he is given both the graph *and* an embedding of it onto a low genus surface. Does there exist a simple, efficient algorithm to find these separators given only the graph and not the embedding?

2. In practice, spectral partitioning heuristics work extremely well on these graphs. Is there a theoretical reason why this should be the case?

We resolve these two questions by showing that a simple spectral algorithm finds separators of cut ratio O(\sqrt{g/n}) and vertex bisectors of size O(\sqrt{gn}) in these graphs, both of which are optimal. As our main technical lemma, we prove an O(g/n) bound on the second smallest eigenvalue of the Laplacian of such graphs and show that this is tight, thereby resolving a conjecture of Spielman and Teng. While this lemma is essentially combinatorial in nature, its proof comes from continuous mathematics, drawing on the theory of circle packings and the geometry of compact Riemann surfaces.

Past Related Talks

Thursday, November 4, 2004, 4:15 pm, AKW200

Michael Mahoney (Yale): The CUR Matrix Decomposition with Applications to Algorithm Design and Massive Data Set Analysis

Motivated by applications in massive data set analysis and algorithm design, we are interested in developing and analyzing fast Monte Carlo algorithms for performing useful computations on large matrices. Of particular interest is the compressed approximate CUR matrix decomposition. After describing the CUR matrix decomposition, we describe how it can be used to design an improved approximation algorithm for the Max-Cut problem. We then focus on applications of the CUR decomposition to the analysis of large scientific data sets. In particular, we describe how extensions of the CUR decomposition may be used for improved kernel-based statistical learning and for the efficient approximation of massive tensor-based data sets. This may then be coupled with more traditional and/or refined methods of data set analysis in order to construct in a principled manner a "sketch" of an extremely large data set and then to perform more refined field-specific analysis on the sketch; recent work along this direction will be discussed.

April 7, 2005

Andrew Yao (Tsinghua): Directions in Theoretical Computer Science

Related Talk: April 28, 2005, 10:30 a.m.

Moses Charikar (Princeton)

Title: Metrics, embeddings and all that.

Abstract: A metric space is simply a collection of objects associated with a distance function. Several metrics arise naturally in Computer Science--for instance, Hamming distance on bit vectors, Euclidean distance on points, and edit distance on strings. From an algorithmic standpoint, some of these metrics are much easier to deal with than others. A natural question that arises here is whether "complicated" metrics can be mapped to "simpler" metrics in some way. Such mapping (metric embeddings) were originally studied in functional analysis. In the last decade, the discovery of several algorithmic applications have triggered a great interest in these questions in Computer Science.

So, what is the excitement all about? In this talk, I will show how various incarnations of metric embeddings arise in basic optimization problems in graphs. I will also show how dimension reduction and compact representation techniques from embeddings give rise to a powerful algorithmic toolkit for dealing with large data sets. Enroute, we will see some of the classical results in this area as well as some of the exciting new developments from the past few years.

No prior background will be assumed.