Advanced Complexity Theory Announcement


This course is intended for graduate students studying the theory of computation.


Most of the prerequisite knowledge for this class is contained in 18.404. However, this class will be an order of magnitude more difficult. If you didn't find 18.404 easy, you shouldn't expect to pass this class.


There will be 4-5 problem sets during the semester. Each student will also be responsible for editing the lecture notes from two lectures. Some students will write notes for lectures that do not overlap with last year.


This class will survey some of the most important developments in complexity theory. After completing the class, students should be able to read and contribute to current research in the field. A rough list of topics is:

Want to know more?

This is a link to the Underground Guide to Course 6 page for this course.
Daniel A. Spielman
Last modified: Mon Jan 31 15:53:11 2000