We had a sad, sad start to this new year: our dear friend Will died of a sudden and virulent infection. He would have turned 4 this spring. He was a great friend to us, always ready to share his love of learning and laughter, and we miss him terribly.
We mostly stayed close to home during these cold months, although we did make it to Boston just in time to be snowed in by a record-breaking Nor'easter. We delivered our loaner-cradle to Dorian and Kate with ample time to spare before little Elanor Joyce came to make use of it.
We discovered Central Park, a super play area for kids 0-5, in Waterbury. It's run by the Salvation Army, and with a $1-per-kid admission fee, it's definitely the fun bargain find of the season. If you live around here, you need to know about it!