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Note: You are looking at a static copy of the former PineWiki site, used for class notes by James Aspnes from 2003 to 2012. Many mathematical formulas are broken, and there are likely to be other bugs as well. These will most likely not be fixed. You may be able to find more up-to-date versions of some of these notes at http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/#classes.

For this assignment, you are to implement a program ibid that converts a sequence of citations into a sequence of citations with back-references using the standard ibid. and op. cit. abbreviations.

1. Input

Your input, on stdin, consists of a sequence of lines, each of which contains a name or names followed by a comma, then some additional text. Some of these lines may be repeated. For example:

Moriarty, "On the Dynamics of an Asteroid," Journal of Selenological Metaphysics, 1904.
Stargardt and Chudzinski, "Destructive Testing of C Programs," Fifth International Symposium on Cyberentomology, 2003.
Stargardt and Chudzinski, "Destructive Testing of C Programs," Fifth International Symposium on Cyberentomology, 2003.
Moriarty, "On the Dynamics of an Asteroid," Journal of Selenological Metaphysics, 1904.
Moriarty, "Practical Applications of Solvents," Criminology Review Letters, 1906.
Russano, "History of the Comma," Punctuality, 1997.
Moriarty, "Practical Applications of Solvents," Criminology Review Letters, 1906.
Stargardt and Chudzinski, "Destructive Testing of C Programs," Fifth International Symposium on Cyberentomology, 2003.
Moriarty, "On the Dynamics of an Asteroid," Journal of Selenological Metaphysics, 1904.

If a line does not contain a comma, treat the entire line as the author list.

You may assume that the input is otherwise well-behaved: in particular, you may assume that every line ends with a newline, and that no line contains a null character.

2. Output

The output of your program, on stdout, should obey the following rules:

  1. If a line is identical to the previous line, replace it with the string "ibid.".

  2. If a line is identical to the most recent line with the same author(s) (everything up to the comma, or to end-of-line if there is no comma), replace it with "op. cit. " followed by the author(s).

  3. In all other cases, output the original line.

Here is the output corresponding to the sample input above:

Moriarty, "On the Dynamics of an Asteroid," Journal of Selenological Metaphysics, 1904.
Stargardt and Chudzinski, "Destructive Testing of C Programs," Fifth International Symposium on Cyberentomology, 2003.
op. cit. Moriarty
Moriarty, "Practical Applications of Solvents," Criminology Review Letters, 1906.
Russano, "History of the Comma," Punctuality, 1997.
op. cit. Moriarty
op. cit. Stargardt and Chudzinski
Moriarty, "On the Dynamics of an Asteroid," Journal of Selenological Metaphysics, 1904.

Note that only the first repetition of On the Dynamics of an Asteroid gets an op. cit.. The last repetition can't be cited this way without referring to the more recent Practical Applications of Solvents by the same author.

3. Submitting your assignment

Submit any .c and .h files you need to build ibid, together with a Makefile that builds ibid when make is called with no arguments. Use /c/cs223/bin/submit 6 as usual.

A public test script is available in /c/cs223/Hwk6/test.public. You may run this script directly (it will work on files in the current directory), or may run it on your submitted files using /c/cs223/bin/testit 6 public.

4. Late policy

Starting with this assignment, the lateness penalty has been revised as follows:

  1. Late assignments will immediately lose 10% of the points earned.
  2. There is a 24-hour grace period during which no further points will be deducted.
  3. Following the grace period, points will decay linearly at the rate of 3%/hour until none remain.

The time of your assignment is measured by the last time that any file is submitted using /c/cs223/bin/submit.

5. Sample solution

   1 /* Program for doing MLA-style bibliographic backreferences.
   2  *
   3  * Input is a sequence of bibliographic references, one per line,
   4  * with the author list ending with a comma, e.g.
   5  *
   6  * Smith, "Destructive Testing of Programs," Journal of Explosive Research, 20(3):17--18
   7  *
   8  * Output:
   9  *
  10  * If a line is equal to its predecessor, print "ibid."
  11  *
  12  * If a line is equal to the last line with the same author, print "op. cit. " + name of author
  13  *
  14  * Otherwise print the line.
  15  */
  17 #include <stdio.h>
  18 #include <stdlib.h>
  19 #include <string.h>
  20 #include <assert.h>
  22 #define INITIAL_HASH_SIZE (512)
  24 /* marker for end of key */
  25 #define SEPARATOR (',')
  27 /* prime for multiplication method */
  28 #define PRIME (97)
  30 struct hash {
  31     size_t size;     /* size of array */
  32     size_t elts;     /* number of nonempty positions */
  33     char **table;    /* contents */
  34 };
  36 /* hash function that ignores everything after first comma */
  37 size_t
  38 hash(const char *s)
  39 {
  40     size_t h = 0;
  42     while(*s && *s != SEPARATOR) {
  43         h = h * PRIME + *s;
  44         s++;
  45     }
  47     return h;
  48 }
  50 /* equality tester that ignores everything after first comma in s1 */
  51 int
  52 keysEqual(const char *s1, const char *s2)
  53 {
  54     /* skip initial equal segment */
  55     while(*s1 != '\0' && *s1 != SEPARATOR && *s2 != '\0' && *s2 != SEPARATOR) {
  56         if(*s1 != *s2) {
  57             return 0;
  58         }
  59         s1++;
  60         s2++;
  61     }
  63     /* now see what happened */
  64     return (*s1 == '\0' || *s1 == SEPARATOR) && (*s2 == '\0' || *s2 == SEPARATOR);
  65 }
  67 /* build an empty hash table of given initial size */
  68 struct hash *
  69 hashCreate(size_t size)
  70 {
  71     struct hash *h;
  73     h = malloc(sizeof(struct hash));
  74     assert(h);
  76     h->size = size;
  77     h->elts = 0;
  79     h->table = calloc(h->size, sizeof(char *));
  80     assert(h->table);
  82     return h;
  83 }
  85 #define MAX_LOAD_FACTOR (0.5)
  87 /* store a line in hash table, returning 1 if already present */
  88 /* if another line with same key was present, it is freed and replaced */
  89 int
  90 hashStore(struct hash *h, char *line)
  91 {
  92     size_t pos;
  93     struct hash *h2;   /* for increasing size */
  94     int found;         /* did we find the exact line? */
  96     /* check if hash table is getting too full */
  97     while(h->elts + 1 > h->size * MAX_LOAD_FACTOR) {
  98         /* make a new hash table that is bigger */
  99         h2 = hashCreate(h->size * 2);
 101         for(pos = 0; pos < h->size; pos++) {
 102             if(h->table[pos]) {
 103                 hashStore(h2, h->table[pos]);
 104             }
 105         }
 107         /* clone h2 into h */
 108         free(h->table);
 109         *h = *h2;
 110         free(h2);
 111     }
 113     /* hash table OK, do the insertion */
 114     for(pos = hash(line) % h->size;; pos = (pos + 1) % h->size) {
 115         if(h->table[pos] == 0) {
 116             /* nothing that matches is present */
 117             h->table[pos] = line;
 118             h->elts++;
 119             return 0;
 120         } else if(keysEqual(h->table[pos], line)) {
 121             /* keys match, does line match? */
 122             if(!strcmp(h->table[pos], line)) {
 123                 /* yes, got it */
 124                 found = 1;
 125             } else {
 126                 /* no, replace old line */
 127                 found = 0;
 128             }
 129             /* old line gets freed and replaced either way */
 130             free(h->table[pos]);
 131             h->table[pos] = line;
 133             return found;
 134         }
 135     }
 136 }
 138 void
 139 hashDestroy(struct hash *h)
 140 {
 141     size_t pos;
 143     for(pos = 0; pos < h->size; pos++) {
 144         /* free is no-op on NULL */
 145         free(h->table[pos]);
 146     }
 148     free(h->table);
 149     free(h);
 150 }
 152 #define INITIAL_BUFSIZE (512)
 154 /* read a line of input from f */
 155 /* return 0 on EOF before getting any characters */
 156 /* caller is responsible for freeing return value */
 157 char *
 158 getline(FILE *f)
 159 {
 160     char *buffer;
 161     int size = INITIAL_BUFSIZE;
 162     int top = 0;
 163     int c;
 165     buffer = malloc(size);
 166     assert(buffer);
 168     while((c = getchar()) != '\n') {
 169         if(c == EOF) {
 170             if(top == 0) {
 171                 /* got nothing */
 172                 free(buffer);
 173                 return 0;
 174             } else {
 175                 /* pretend it's a newline */
 176                 break;
 177             }
 178         } else {
 179             /* maybe resize */
 180             /* -1 is to leave room for null */
 181             while(top >= size-1) {
 182                 size *= 2;
 183                 buffer = realloc(buffer, size);
 184                 assert(buffer);
 185             }
 186             buffer[top++] = c;
 187         }
 188     }
 190     buffer[top++] = '\0';
 192     return realloc(buffer, top);
 193 }
 195 /* print line up to SEPARATOR to file */
 196 void
 197 putKey(const char *line, FILE *f)
 198 {
 199     while(*line && *line != SEPARATOR) {
 200         fputc(*line++, f);
 201     }
 202 }
 204 int
 205 main(int argc, char **argv)
 206 {
 207     struct hash *h;
 208     char *line;
 209     char *prev_line;
 211     if(argc != 1) {
 212         fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n", argv[0]);
 213         return 1;
 214     }
 216     h = hashCreate(INITIAL_HASH_SIZE);
 218     prev_line = 0;
 220     while((line = getline(stdin)) != 0) {
 221         if(prev_line && !strcmp(line, prev_line)) {
 222             puts("ibid.");
 223             /* keep old version in table */
 224             free(line);
 225         } else {
 226             /* replace prev_line */
 227             /* new line goes in table */
 228             prev_line = line;
 229             if(hashStore(h, line)) {
 230                 printf("op. cit. ");
 231                 putKey(line, stdout);
 232                 putchar('\n');
 233             } else {
 234                 puts(line);
 235             }
 236         }
 237     }
 239     hashDestroy(h);
 241     return 0;
 242 }


2014-06-17 11:58