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Note: You are looking at a static copy of the former PineWiki site, used for class notes by James Aspnes from 2003 to 2012. Many mathematical formulas are broken, and there are likely to be other bugs as well. These will most likely not be fixed. You may be able to find more up-to-date versions of some of these notes at http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/#classes.

1. Frobol, a stack-based Business Oriented Language

After Froth failed in the marketplace due to the unreadability of typical Froth programs, its designers came up with a successor language called Frobol. Like Froth, Frobol is a stack-oriented language: but now there is only one stack, and it only holds C chars. There is also only one built-in operation in Frobol, the function call, indicated by the '!' character. All other characters in Froth code simply push their own ASCII value on the stack.

2. Executing a Frobol program

Frobol programs are text strings that are executed one character at a time from left to right. Except for the '!' character, characters just push their own value on the stack. So the effect of executing the program abcdefg is to push the 7 characters abcdefg on to the stack, a first and g last.

The function call operator is different. It pops characters from the stack until it reaches either a slash character '/' (which is also popped) or the bottom of the stack. In either case, all characters except the slash are composed together in the order they were pushed to form a function name, which is then looked up in a table to find a (user-supplied) function to call. This function is given access to the Frobol stack, so that it can pop arguments and push return values.

For example, the Frobol program


when executed, will call the function registered as puts (which most likely will not be the C function of the same name) on a stack containing only abcdefg.

If no such function has been registered, the function call is a no-op; it leave the stack in the state abcdefg and goes on to the next character in the program. This means in particular that any text string is a legal Frobol program, a critical property for a Business-Oriented Language where code may be written or edited by managers with limited programming experience.

Nothing requires that the name of a function appear in the Frobol program itself. For example, if the function push has the effect of pushing the characters ts onto the stack, then the program


will leave the stack in state abcdefg/pu/push before hitting the first '!', abcdefg/puts before hitting the second !, and then call puts (with whatever effect that might have) with the stack containing abcdefg.

However, it is the case that the only time a function call occurs is if a '!' character is processed from the code. Merely pushing a '!' onto the stack using frobol_stack_push does not cause a function call.

3. Where function table entries come from

Function table entries are supplied by the caller of the Frobol interpreter. A Frobol interpreter is an abstract data type with the following interface:

   1 /* interface to embedded Frobol interpreter */
   2 typedef struct frobol *Frobol;
   4 /* Create a new Frobol interpreter in the initial state */
   5 Frobol frobol_create(void);
   7 /* Execute Frobol code (a null-terminated string) in interpreter */
   8 void frobol_execute(Frobol interpreter, const char *code);
  10 /* Destroy a Frobol interpreter */
  11 /* This will call the cleanup handler for all registered functions
  12  * and free the stack and any other internal data. */
  13 void frobol_destroy(Frobol interpreter);
  15 /* Add a new Frobol function with the given name */
  16 /* When called, the function will be passed
  17  * (a) the current interpreter and
  18  * (b) the data pointer supplied at registration. */
  19 /* The function cleanup, if non-null,  will be called with the data pointer
  20  * before the interpreter is destroyed.  This may either be
  21  * when frobol_destroy is called, or when the function is replaced
  22  * by a new function with the same name. */
  23 void frobol_register(
  24     Frobol interpreter,
  25     const char *name,
  26     void (*func)(Frobol interpreter, void *data),
  27     void *data,
  28     void (*cleanup)(void *data));
  30 /* Manipulate the Frobol interpreter stack. */
  31 /* These are mostly useful for registered functions. */
  33 /* returns 1 if stack is empty, 0 otherwise */
  34 int frobol_stack_empty(Frobol interpreter);
  36 /* removes and returns top of stack or returns '\0' if stack is empty */
  37 char frobol_stack_pop(Frobol interpreter);
  39 /* adds a new character to the top of the stack */
  40 void frobol_stack_push(Frobol interpreter, char c);

The function frobol_register registers a new function in the Frobol interpreter, which is available in all subsequent calls to frobol_execute. If two functions are registered with the same name, the second takes precedence.

The arguments to frobol_register include in addition to the name and function handler a void *data parameter that can be used to pass extra information (including storage) to the function handler (this means that Frobol functions are really closures). The Frobol interpreter will not attempt to use this pointer in any way, but will pass it to the registered function when called. In addition, a cleanup function pointer is given to the interpreter to allow it to free any storage associated with the data pointer when the function is freed, either by being overwritten by a new function of the same name or when frobol_destroy is called.

Function handlers in Frobol are given a pointer to the Frobol interpreter as their first argument. This allows them to push and pop values using frobol_stack_push and frobol_stack_pop, test if the stack is empty using frobol_stack_empty, execute Frobol code using frobol_execute, and even register new function handlers using frobol_register. This makes implementing e.g. Froth-style arithmetic a simple matter of supplying the appropriate function handler, and even loops or other control structures can be constructed using sufficient cleverness.

4. Your task

Your task is to implement the interface given in frobol.h. The test script will expect you to submit one or more C files that will be compiled together to produce a library file that will then be linked with various test programs. An example of such a program is given below. You do not need to submit the frobol.h file itself, and if you do submit one it will be ignored---your files must implement exactly the interface described in the standard frobol.h header file. You should also not to submit any C files that contain a main routine; main will be supplied by the test program.

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 #include <stdlib.h>
   3 #include <assert.h>
   4 #include <string.h>
   6 #include "frobol.h"
   8 /* gcc -pedantic kills strdup! */
   9 static char *
  10 my_strdup(const char *s)
  11 {
  12     char *s2;
  14     s2 = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
  15     assert(s2);
  17     strcpy(s2, s);
  18     return s2;
  19 }
  21 static char *
  22 revdup(const char *s)
  23 {
  24     char *s2;
  25     int i;
  26     int j;
  28     s2 = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
  29     assert(s2);
  31     for(i = strlen(s) - 1, j = 0; i >= 0; i--, j++) {
  32 	s2[j] = s[i];
  33     }
  35     s2[j] = '\0';
  37     return s2;
  38 }
  40 static void
  41 echo(Frobol f, void *data)
  42 {
  43     puts(data);
  44 }
  46 static void
  47 consume(Frobol f, void *data)
  48 {
  49     const char *s;
  50     char c;
  52     for(s = data; *s; s++) {
  53 	assert(!frobol_stack_empty(f));
  54 	c = frobol_stack_pop(f);
  55 	assert(c == *s);
  56     }
  58     assert(frobol_stack_empty(f));
  59 }
  61 int
  62 main(int argc, char **argv)
  63 {
  64     Frobol f;
  65     char c;
  66     int i;
  67     char buf[512];
  68     char *s;
  70     /* check that revdup actually works */
  71     s = revdup("abc");
  72     assert(!strcmp("cba", s));
  73     free(s);
  75     f = frobol_create();
  77     frobol_register(f, "hello", echo, my_strdup("hello"), free);
  78     assert(frobol_stack_empty(f));
  79     frobol_stack_push(f, 'X');
  80     assert(!frobol_stack_empty(f));
  81     frobol_execute(f, "/hello!");
  82     assert(!frobol_stack_empty(f));
  83     c = frobol_stack_pop(f);
  84     assert(c == 'X');
  85     assert(frobol_stack_empty(f));
  86     frobol_register(f, "hello", echo, my_strdup("bonjour"), free);
  87     frobol_execute(f, "/hello!");
  89     /* stress test on registrations */
  90     for(i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
  91 	assert(frobol_stack_empty(f));
  92 	sprintf(buf, "%d", i);
  93 	frobol_register(f, buf, consume, revdup(buf), free);
  94 	frobol_execute(f, buf);
  95 	assert(!frobol_stack_empty(f));
  96 	sprintf(buf, "/%d!", i);
  97 	frobol_execute(f, buf);
  98 	assert(frobol_stack_empty(f));
  99     }
 101     frobol_destroy(f);
 103     return 0;
 104 }

5. Sample solutions

   1 #include <stdlib.h>
   2 #include <assert.h>
   3 #include <string.h>
   5 #include "frobol.h"
   7 /* stack parameters */
   8 #define INITIAL_STACK_SIZE (1024)
  11 /* dict parameters */
  12 #define INITIAL_DICT_SIZE (1024)
  13 #define MAX_DICT_LOAD (0.75)
  16 /* hash function parameters */
  17 #define HASH_MULTIPLIER (97)
  19 /* magic characters for frobol_execute */
  20 #define FUNCTION_CALL_START ('/')
  21 #define FUNCTION_CALL_END   ('!')
  23 /* gcc -pedantic kills strdup! */
  24 static char *
  25 my_strdup(const char *s)
  26 {
  27     char *s2;
  29     s2 = malloc(strlen(s) + 1);
  30     assert(s2);
  32     strcpy(s2, s);
  33     return s2;
  34 }
  36 /* Frobol interpreter state */
  37 struct frobol {
  38     /* interpreter stack */
  39     struct {
  40 	unsigned long size;	/* number of allocated slots */
  41 	unsigned long top;	/* index of first unused slot */
  42 	char *data;	/* malloc'd data array */
  43     } stack;
  44     /* dictionary of registered functions 
  45      * implemented as a hash table with open addressing. */
  46     struct {
  47 	unsigned long size;	/* number of allocated slots */
  48 	unsigned long count;	/* index of first unused slot */
  49 	struct registration {
  50 	    char *name;		 	   /* registered name */
  51 	    void (*func)(Frobol, void *);  /* function handler */
  52 	    void *data;			   /* uninterpreted data */
  53 	    void (*cleanup)(void *);       /* cleanup handler */
  54 	} *data;
  55     } dict;
  56 };
  58 static void
  59 frobol_initialize_dictionary(Frobol f)
  60 {
  61     unsigned long i;
  63     f->dict.data = malloc(sizeof(*(f->dict.data)) * f->dict.size);
  64     assert(f->dict.data);
  66     /* clear the dictionary */
  67     for(i = 0; i < f->dict.size; i++) {
  68 	f->dict.data[i].name = 0;
  69     }
  70 }
  72 Frobol
  73 frobol_create(void)
  74 {
  75     Frobol f;
  77     /* allocate the interpreter */
  78     f = malloc(sizeof(*f));
  79     assert(f);
  81     /* build the stack */
  82     f->stack.size = INITIAL_STACK_SIZE;
  83     f->stack.top = 0;
  84     f->stack.data = malloc(f->stack.size);
  85     assert(f->stack.data);
  87     /* build the dictionary */
  88     f->dict.size = INITIAL_DICT_SIZE;
  89     f->dict.count = 0;
  90     frobol_initialize_dictionary(f);
  92     return f;
  93 }
  95 /* free name and call cleanup on slot i of dictionary if occupied */
  96 static void
  97 frobol_cleanup_internal(Frobol f, unsigned long i)
  98 {
  99     if(f->dict.data[i].name) {
 100 	free(f->dict.data[i].name);
 101 	if(f->dict.data[i].cleanup) {
 102 	    f->dict.data[i].cleanup(f->dict.data[i].data);
 103 	}
 104     }
 105 }
 107 void
 108 frobol_destroy(Frobol f)
 109 {
 110     unsigned long i;
 112     /* call cleanup on all registered functions */
 113     for(i = 0; i < f->dict.size; i++) {
 114 	frobol_cleanup_internal(f, i);
 115     }
 117     /* free dict and stack data blocks */
 118     free(f->dict.data);
 119     free(f->stack.data);
 121     /* free interpreter itself */
 122     free(f);
 123 }
 125 static unsigned long
 126 hash(const char *s)
 127 {
 128     unsigned long h;
 130     h = 0;
 132     while(*s) {
 133 	h = h * HASH_MULTIPLIER + *s++;
 134     }
 136     return h;
 137 }
 139 /* return index of the registration matching name */
 140 /* or the first empty registration reached */
 141 static unsigned long
 142 frobol_lookup_internal(Frobol f, const char *name)
 143 {
 144     unsigned long i;
 146     for(i = hash(name) % f->dict.size;
 147 	f->dict.data[i].name != 0
 148 	&& strcmp(f->dict.data[i].name, name);
 149 	i = (i+1) % f->dict.size);
 151     return i;
 152 }
 155 /* internal function for frobol_register */
 156 /* this inserts a function into the dict hash table */
 157 /* without calling strdup on the name */
 158 /* and without checking for overload or updating count */
 159 static void
 160 frobol_insert_internal(Frobol f,
 161 	char *name,
 162 	void (*func)(Frobol, void *),
 163 	void *data,
 164 	void (*cleanup)(void *))
 165 {
 166     unsigned long i;
 168     i = frobol_lookup_internal(f, name);
 170     /* cleanup if already occupied */
 171     frobol_cleanup_internal(f, i);
 173     /* fill it in */
 174     f->dict.data[i].name = name;
 175     f->dict.data[i].func = func;
 176     f->dict.data[i].data = data;
 177     f->dict.data[i].cleanup = cleanup;
 178 }
 180 void
 181 frobol_register(Frobol f,
 182 	const char *name,
 183 	void (*func)(Frobol, void *),
 184 	void *data,
 185 	void (*cleanup)(void *))
 186 {
 187     /* for growing the dict */
 188     unsigned long old_size;
 189     struct registration *old_data;
 190     unsigned long i;
 192     /* Pretty much a standard hash insert. */
 193     if(f->dict.count > f->dict.size * MAX_DICT_LOAD) {
 194 	/* rehash */
 195 	old_size = f->dict.size;
 196 	old_data = f->dict.data;
 198 	f->dict.size = f->dict.size * DICT_GROWTH_MULTIPLIER;
 199 	frobol_initialize_dictionary(f);
 201 	for(i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
 202 	    if(old_data[i].name) {
 203 		frobol_insert_internal(f,
 204 			old_data[i].name,
 205 			old_data[i].func,
 206 			old_data[i].data,
 207 			old_data[i].cleanup);
 208 	    }
 209 	}
 211 	/* don't need this any more */
 212 	free(old_data);
 213     }
 215     /* now do the real insert */
 216     f->dict.count++;
 217     frobol_insert_internal(f,
 218 	    my_strdup(name),
 219 	    func,
 220 	    data,
 221 	    cleanup);
 222 }
 224 int
 225 frobol_stack_empty(Frobol f)
 226 {
 227     return f->stack.top == 0;
 228 }
 230 void
 231 frobol_stack_push(Frobol f, char c)
 232 {
 233     if(f->stack.top >= f->stack.size) {
 234 	/* grow the stack */
 235 	f->stack.size = f->stack.size * STACK_GROWTH_MULTIPLIER;
 236 	f->stack.data = realloc(f->stack.data, f->stack.size);
 237 	assert(f->stack.data);
 238     }
 240     f->stack.data[f->stack.top++] = c;
 241 }
 243 char
 244 frobol_stack_pop(Frobol f)
 245 {
 246     if(f->stack.top == 0) {
 247 	return '\0';
 248     } else {
 249 	return f->stack.data[--f->stack.top];
 250     }
 251 }
 253 /* fetches name back to FUNCTION_CALL_START */
 254 /* returns a null-terminated string */
 255 /* name is only good as long as you don't touch the stack */
 256 static const char *
 257 frobol_pop_name(Frobol f)
 258 {
 259     /* terminate the name */
 260     frobol_stack_push(f, '\0');
 262     /* pop until we hit delimiter or empty stack */
 263     while(!frobol_stack_empty(f) && frobol_stack_pop(f) != FUNCTION_CALL_START);
 265     /* if we hit delimeter, bump up one */
 266     return f->stack.data + f->stack.top 
 267 	+ (f->stack.data[f->stack.top] == FUNCTION_CALL_START);
 268 }
 270 void
 271 frobol_execute(Frobol f, const char *code)
 272 {
 273     struct registration *r;
 275     while(*code) {
 276 	if(*code == FUNCTION_CALL_END) {
 277 	    /* fetch function and run it */
 278 	    r = &f->dict.data[frobol_lookup_internal(f, frobol_pop_name(f))];
 280 	    if(r->name) {
 281 		r->func(f, r->data);
 282 	    }
 283 	} else {
 284 	    frobol_stack_push(f, *code);
 285 	}
 286 	code++;
 287     }
 288 }

2014-06-17 11:58