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Note: You are looking at a static copy of the former PineWiki site, used for class notes by James Aspnes from 2003 to 2012. Many mathematical formulas are broken, and there are likely to be other bugs as well. These will most likely not be fixed. You may be able to find more up-to-date versions of some of these notes at http://www.cs.yale.edu/homes/aspnes/#classes.

1. Your task

Your task is to write an interpreter for the Froth programming language, defined below. Your program should either be in the single file froth.c or should be accompanied by a Makefile that generates a program froth when make is called with arguments make froth.

The froth program should take the name of a Froth-language file as argv[1] and should execute the program contained in that file. If the named file cannot be opened for reading (e.g., using fopen(file, "r");), the program should exit with exit code 1.

2. The Froth programming language

Programs in Froth are strings of ASCII characters, each of which is a operation in the language. With one exception noted below, execution proceeds left to right across the string, with each character causing another operation to occur. If the end of string is reached, the program exits with exit code 0.

Most of the operations operate on the main stack, which is a stack of values of type int, initially empty. Some operations also operate on a second auxiliary stack, which also holds ints and is also initially empty.

2.1. Froth operations

Each operation below is followed by a picture of the top of the main stack before and after the operation, surrounded by parentheses and separated by --. The top of stack in each case is on the right.

2.1.1. Arithmetic operations


(x y -- x>y): Pop the top two elements from the stack and push 1 if the second-to-top (x) is greater than the top (y), 0 otherwise.

(x y -- x=y): Pop the top two elements from the stack and push 1 if the second-to-top (x) is equal to the top (y), 0 otherwise.
(x y -- x+y): Replace the top two elements with their sum.

(x -- -x): Negate the top of stack. Note that there is no built-in subtraction operator in Froth: use -+ instead.

(x y -- x*y): Replace the top two elements of the stack with their product.
(x y -- x/y): Integer division as in C.
(x y -- x%y): Remainder operator as in C.

Note that there is no < operator in Froth.

2.1.2. Numbers

( -- 0): Push zero on the stack.

( x -- x*10+d ): Each digit multiplies the top of the stack by 10 and adds its numerical value. So the sequence z12345 effectively pushes the number 12345 onto the stack.

2.1.3. Input and output


( x -- ): Print the character whose ASCII value is x to stdout (like putchar).


( -- x ): Read a character from stdin and push its ASCII value on the stack, or -1 for end-of-file (like getchar).

( x -- ): Terminate the program immediately, returning x as the exit code.

2.1.4. More main stack operations

( x -- x x ): Copy the top element of the stack.
( x -- ): Drop (throw away) the top element of the stack.
( x y -- y x ): Swap the top two elements of the stack.

2.1.5. Auxiliary stack operations

( x -- ): Push the top of the main stack onto the auxiliary stack.
( -- x ): Pop the top of the auxiliary stack onto the main stack.

2.1.6. Whitespace

Whitespace characters (' ', '\t', '\r', and '\n') are no-ops and are ignored by the Froth language. This allows for nicer formatting.

2.1.7. Other characters

Any other characters are not legal Froth and should cause the program to exit with an exit code of 2. You may wish to print an informative message to stderr if this happens.

Clarification: It is not an error for a Froth program to contain a non-legal character, only to attempt to execute it. So, for example, the program


is perfectly legal Froth.

2.2. Control flow

Control flow is done using pairs of matching square bracket operators. Each matching pair acts like a while loop in C; when a left bracket [ is encountered, it pops the top of the main stack and tests if the value is nonzero. If it is nonzero, the body of the loop (up to the next matching right bracket ]) is executed. Control then jumps back to the left bracket, which pops another value off the stack. If a zero value is popped, control skips to the character after the matching right bracket.

If there is no matching bracket in either case, the program terminates with exit code 3.

For example, the following code fragment computes the absolute value of the top of the stack:


Here, the placement of z (push zero) before the ] guarantees that the body is executed at most once. This effectively turns the while into an if.

Here is another loop that prints out the alphabet backwards, followed by a newline:

z96 z26 +
c z96 > 
    c !
    c z1- +
    c z96 >
z10 !

2.3. Errors

It is an error to attempt to attempt to read an empty stack. Any operation that would consume more values than are present in the main or auxiliary stack should cause the program to exit immediately with exit code 4.

3. Storage allocation and premature exits

You should free any space you allocate by the end of your program if the interpreted program exits normally (by reaching the end of the program). Premature exits caused by errors or use of the x command are not required to free all allocated space: for these you can just call exit with an appropriate argument.

4. Submitting your assignment

If you have a single source file froth.c, submit that. Otherwise, submit all of your source and/or header files together with a Makefile that will generate froth when make is called with make froth. In this latter case, you can run the command

/c/cs223/bin/makeit 4 froth

to have make froth executed on your behalf in the submission directory (this is useful to see that you submitted everything you needed to).

You can also do

/c/cs223/bin/testit 4 public

to run the public test script /c/cs223/Hwk4/test.public on your submitted files.

5. More Froth

Here are some more examples of Froth programs. Some of these are taken from the public test inputs.

This program cat.froth copies its input to its output. The method is to keep reading chracters using a while loop as long as they are greater than -1 (or z1- as the number is written in Froth):


Here's a more complicated program tac.froth that writes its input in reverse order to the output. The first loop is similar to the cat.froth program, except that instead of using ! to send the characters to the output, it uses p to push them to the auxiliary stack. The second loop uses q to pop characters from the auxiliary stack until -1 is reached.


Many of the longer test inputs were generated with the assistance of m4, a general-purpose macro processor (type info m4 on any Linux machine or see http://www.gnu.org/software/m4/manual/html_node/index.html). For example, to get song.froth, you can run the command m4 froth.m4 song.m4 > song.froth, after downloading froth.m4 (which provides various useful routines like PrintNumber) and song.m4.

6. Solutions

   1 #include <stdio.h>
   2 #include <stdlib.h>
   4 #include "stack.h"
   6 /* used internally by getall; initial size of buffer */
   7 #define INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE (4096)
   9 /* exit codes */
  10 #define EXIT_BAD_FILE (1)
  11 #define EXIT_BAD_COMMAND (2)
  12 #define EXIT_NO_MATCH (3)
  14 /* reads the entire contents of f and returns them as a freshly-malloc'd string */
  15 /* returns 0 on allocation error */
  16 char *
  17 getall(FILE *f)
  18 {
  19     int size;	/* size of block holding buf */
  20     int top;	/* number of characters in buffer */
  21     char *buf;	/* buffer contents */
  22     int c;	/* input character */
  24     size = INITIAL_BUFFER_SIZE;
  25     buf = malloc(size);
  26     if(buf == 0) return 0;
  28     top = 0;
  30     for(;;) {
  31 	/* grow the buffer if full */
  32 	if(top >= size) {
  33 	    size *= 2;
  34 	    buf = realloc(buf, size);
  35 	    if(buf == 0) {
  36 		return 0;
  37 	    }
  38 	}
  40 	/* grab and parse the next character */
  41 	c = getc(f);
  42 	if(c == EOF) {
  43 	    /* we are done */
  44 	    buf[top++] = '\0';
  45 	    buf = realloc(buf, top);
  46 	    return buf;
  47 	} else {
  48 	    /* add it in */
  49 	    buf[top++] = c;
  50 	}
  51     }
  52 }
  54 #define OPEN_BRACKET ('[')
  55 #define CLOSE_BRACKET (']')
  57 /* return index of matching CLOSE_BRACKET */
  58 /* calls exit(EXIT_NO_MATCH) if there isn't one */
  59 int
  60 matchForwards(const char *program, int pc)
  61 {
  62     int depth;		/* number of open brackets encountered */
  64     depth = 0;
  65     for(; program[pc] != '\0'; pc++) {
  66 	switch(program[pc]) {
  67 	    case OPEN_BRACKET:
  68 		depth++;
  69 		break;
  71 	    case CLOSE_BRACKET:
  72 		if(--depth == 0) {
  73 		    /* got it */
  74 		    return pc;
  75 		}
  76 		break;
  78 	    default:
  79 		break;
  80 	}
  81     }
  83     /* didn't find it */
  84     exit(EXIT_NO_MATCH);
  85 }
  87 /* return index of matching OPEN_BRACKET */
  88 /* calls exit(EXIT_NO_MATCH) if there isn't one */
  89 int
  90 matchBackwards(const char *program, int pc)
  91 {
  92     int depth;		/* number of open brackets encountered */
  94     depth = 0;
  95     for(; pc >= 0; pc--) {
  96 	switch(program[pc]) {
  97 	    case CLOSE_BRACKET:
  98 		depth++;
  99 		break;
 101 	    case OPEN_BRACKET:
 102 		if(--depth == 0) {
 103 		    /* got it */
 104 		    return pc;
 105 		}
 106 		break;
 108 	    default:
 109 		break;
 110 	}
 111     }
 113     /* didn't find it */
 114     exit(EXIT_NO_MATCH);
 115 }
 117 /* horrible non-syntactic macros */
 118 #define BINARY(code, op) case code: y = stackPop(s); x = stackPop(s); stackPush(s, x op y); break;
 119 #define UNARY(code, op) case code: x = stackPop(s); stackPush(s, op x); break;
 121 void
 122 frothInterpreter(const char *program)
 123 {
 124     int pc;	/* program counter */
 125     Stack s;
 126     Stack aux;
 127     int x;
 128     int y;
 130     s = stackCreate();
 131     aux = stackCreate();
 133     if(s == 0 || aux == 0) abort();
 135     for(pc = 0; program[pc] != '\0'; pc++) {
 136 	switch(program[pc]) {
 138 	    /* arithmetic operations */
 139 	    BINARY('>',>);
 140 	    BINARY('=',==);
 141 	    BINARY('+',+);
 142 	    UNARY('-',-);
 143 	    BINARY('*',*);
 144 	    BINARY('/',/);
 145 	    BINARY('%',%);
 147 	    /* numbers */
 148 	    case 'z': stackPush(s, 0); break;
 150             case '0':
 151             case '1':
 152             case '2':
 153             case '3':
 154             case '4':
 155             case '5':
 156             case '6':
 157             case '7':
 158             case '8':
 159             case '9':
 160 		x = stackPop(s);
 161 		stackPush(s, x*10 + (program[pc] - '0'));
 162 		break;
 164 	    /* input and output */
 165 	    case '!':
 166 		putchar(stackPop(s));
 167 		break;
 169 	    case '?':
 170 		stackPush(s, getchar());
 171 		break;
 173 	    case 'x':
 174 		exit(stackPop(s));
 175 		break;
 177 	    /* more main stack operations */
 178 	    case 'c':
 179 		x = stackPop(s);
 180 		stackPush(s, x);
 181 		stackPush(s, x);
 182 		break;
 184 	    case 'd':
 185 		x = stackPop(s);
 186 		break;
 188 	    case 's':
 189 		y = stackPop(s);
 190 		x = stackPop(s);
 192 		stackPush(s, y);
 193 		stackPush(s, x);
 195 		break;
 197 	    /* auxiliary stack */
 198 	    case 'p':
 199 		stackPush(aux, stackPop(s));
 200 		break;
 202 	    case 'q':
 203 		stackPush(s, stackPop(aux));
 204 		break;
 206 	    case ' ':
 207 	    case '\t':
 208 	    case '\r':
 209 	    case '\n':
 210 		break;
 212 	    case OPEN_BRACKET:
 213 		x = stackPop(s);
 215 		if(!x) {
 216 		    /* skip to matching CLOSE_BRACKET */
 217 		    pc = matchForwards(program, pc);
 218 		}
 220 		break;
 222 	    case CLOSE_BRACKET:
 223 		/* skip back to matching OPEN_BRACKET */
 224 		/* subtract 1 so we land on the OPEN_BRACKET after pc++ */
 225 		pc = matchBackwards(program, pc) - 1;
 226 		break;
 228 	    default:
 229 		exit(EXIT_BAD_COMMAND);
 230 		break;
 231 	}
 232     }
 234     stackDestroy(aux);
 235     stackDestroy(s);
 236 }
 238 int
 239 main(int argc, char **argv)
 240 {
 241     FILE *f;
 242     char *program;
 244     if(argc != 2) {
 245 	fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s froth-program\n", argv[0]);
 246 	exit(EXIT_BAD_FILE);
 247     } else if((f = fopen(argv[1], "r")) == 0) {
 248 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot open for reading\n", argv[1]);
 249 	exit(EXIT_BAD_FILE);
 250     } else if((program = getall(f)) == 0) {
 251 	fprintf(stderr, "%s: allocation error while reading file\n", argv[1]);
 252 	exit(EXIT_BAD_FILE);
 253     } else {
 254 	fclose(f);
 255 	frothInterpreter(program);
 256 	free(program);
 257 	return 0;
 258     }
 259 }

   1 /* integer stack type for use in Froth interpreter */
   3 typedef struct stack *Stack;
   5 /* returns new empty stack or 0 on allocation failure */
   6 Stack stackCreate(void);
   8 void stackDestroy(Stack);
  10 /* returns true iff stack is empty */
  11 int stackEmpty(Stack);
  13 void stackPush(Stack, int);
  14 int stackPop(Stack);
  16 /* returns number of elements on stack */
  17 int stackSize(Stack);

   1 #include <stdlib.h>
   2 #include <assert.h>
   3 #include "stack.h"
   5 #define INITIAL_SPACE (1024)
   6 #define STACK_POP_EMPTY_ACTION() (exit(4))
   8 struct stack {
   9     int top;		/* number of elements */
  10     int space;		/* size of allocated block */
  11     int *data;		/* contents of stack */
  12 };
  14 Stack
  15 stackCreate(void)
  16 {
  17     Stack s;
  19     s = malloc(sizeof(*s));
  20     if(s == 0) return 0;
  22     s->top = 0;
  23     s->space = INITIAL_SPACE;
  25     s->data = malloc(sizeof(*(s->data)) * s->space);
  26     if(s->data == 0) {
  27 	free(s);
  28 	return 0;
  29     }
  31     return s;
  32 }
  34 void
  35 stackDestroy(Stack s)
  36 {
  37     free(s->data);
  38     free(s);
  39 }
  41 /* returns true iff stack is empty */
  42 int
  43 stackEmpty(Stack s)
  44 {
  45     return s->top == 0;
  46 }
  48 void
  49 stackPush(Stack s, int x)
  50 {
  51     while(s->top >= s->space) {
  52 	s->space *= 2;
  53 	s->data = realloc(s->data, sizeof(*(s->data)) * s->space);
  54     }
  56     s->data[s->top++] = x;
  57 }
  59 int
  60 stackPop(Stack s)
  61 {
  62     if(s->top <= 0) {
  64     } else {
  65 	return s->data[--(s->top)];
  66     }
  67 }
  69 /* returns number of elements on stack */
  70 int
  71 stackSize(Stack s)
  72 {
  73     return s->top;
  74 }


2014-06-17 11:58